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Dr Lorraine Day recommends BarleyGreen. See 1 minute Dr Day video.
"Over the years, I have tried many different types of green powders, yet I have not found a single one that compares with the BarleyGreen produced by YH International for overall nutrition, taste, solubility and reliability. This is the BarleyGreen I used to help rebuild my immune system when I was getting well from a life-threatening disease. And it is the BarleyGreen I still use to help maintain my immune system. " -Lorraine Day, MD

Doctor Lorraine Day
Healing Videos and Workbook

"Getting Started on Getting Well" Workbook
Cancer Doesn't Scare Me Anymore
Diseases Don't Just Happen
You Can't Improve on God

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Getting Started on Getting Well Workbook

Cancer Doesn't Scare Me Anymore Video

Diseases Don't Just Happen Video

You Can't Improve on God Video

Double Blind: What Science Can't See Video

Turn on the Light! Videotape

Sorting Through the Maze of Alternative Medicine

Drugs Never Cure Disease Videotape

Order 3 Dr Day Videotapes of Your Choice
Order Workbook and 3 Videos of Your Choice

Order Workbook, 3 Videos of Your Choice, and 1 Bottle Barley Green Powder

Order Workbook, 7 Videos and 1 Bottle Barley Green Powder

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Serving size=
1 tablespoon
33 Servings
per bottle
7 ounces greens powder per bottle
Mix with
juice or water
Doctor Lorraine Day

Doctor Lorraine Day
"Getting Started on Getting Well" Workbook
Doctor Lorraine Day TV InfomercialA 300 page workbook designed to accompany Dr. Day's health videos. It is not to be used by itself, as only the combination of the workbook together with the videos provides adequate information for rebuilding the immune system so the body can then effectively fight the disease and heal itself as God designed.
Dr Lorraine Day Workbook Dr. Lorraine Day
Workbook Contents
Why disease is Spiritual.
Is this Health Plan guaranteed to work?
The Good News about God!
Questions to help you learn the video material.
The healing power of Bible study and prayer.
Vaccinations: Are they safe? Do they work?
Natural methods of Pain Control.
Acceptable foods and forbidden foods.
The dangers of microwave ovens.
Necessary cookware and supplies.
Is Soy healthful or dangerous?
Sample daily schedule.
Grocery shopping lists.
How to handle insomnia, constipation, urinary incontinence.
Menus, and over 100 recipes.
Overcoming fear.
And much, much more.
Lorraine Day Cancer Doesn't Scare Me Anymore Lorraine Day, MD
"Cancer Doesn't Scare Me Anymore" Video
As a physician who developed cancer herself, Dr. Lorraine Day was well aware that physicians are more afraid of cancer than patients are, because doctors KNOW that chemotherapy, radiation and surgery are NOT the answer to cancer She will help you understand why you don't need to fear cancer. She explains to you in terms you can understand all the confusing medical jargon you will hear from doctors. By following the orderly system of evaluation that she presents, you can then make calm, intelligent decisions about the best treatment methods for you.
Lorraine Day Diseases Don't Just Happen "Diseases Don't Just Happen" Videotape
Dr. Lorraine Day developed severe advanced cancer and almost died - which became her supreme motivating factor for finding out how to get well. She recovered by natural methods, without chemotherapy, radiation or mutilating surgery. In the process of her research, she discovered that there are known causes for virtually every disease, even though this is never taught to doctors in medical school. In this video Dr. Day reveals the causes for the diseases listed below as well as many others, and gives the astonishing answers on how to get well - without drugs! In addition, she exposes the disastrous side effects of the drugs used to treat these disorders. Discover the cause of your disease and find out how to get well!
Lorraine Day You can't Improve on God "You Can't Improve on God " Video Tape
"You have cancer. You're going to die!" The doctors told me. "but they were wrong!" says Lorraine Day, M.D. "I refused mutilating surgery, chemotherapy and radiation, the treatment methods ALL physicians are taught, and got well by using God's natural remedies instead. "I'll tell you exactly how I did it!" Dr. Day was diagnosed with invasive breast cancer but rejected standard therapies because of their destructive side effects and because those therapies often lead to death. She chose instead to rebuild her immune system using the natural, simple, inexpensive therapies designed by God and outlined in the Bible, so her body could heal itself.
Order 3 Videotapes of Your Choice
3 Dr Day Videos @$25.90 each= $77.70 regular price.
Cost is $70.00.
Order the Workbook and 3 Videotapes of Your Choice
Workbook $35.00 + 3 Videos @$25.90 each= $112.70 regular price.
Cost is $99.00.
Order the Workbook, 3 Videotapes of Your Choice, and 1 Bottle Barley Green Powder
Workbook $35.00 + 3 Videos @$25.90 each + BarleyGreen Powder $39.90= $112.70 regular price.
Buy all and save. Cost is $152.60.

Order the Workbook, 7 Videotapes, and 1 Bottle Barley Green Powder
Workbook $35.00 + 7 Videos @$25.90 each + BarleyGreen Powder $39.90= $256.20 regular price.
Buy all and save. Cost is $230.00.

Order Barley Green
"This is the BarleyGreen I used to help rebuild my immune system when I was getting well, and the BarleyGreen I still drink!"
-Lorraine Day, MD

Barleygreen® is a registered trademark of YH International.
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