A totally new concept in generating web traffic, this revolutionary
software product has
features and benefits that enable it to create traffic to your web site,
in numbers beyond
your wildest dreams. Zeus generates both new and return visitors to your
web site.
Welcome to our Link Directory.If you are interested in having your web site's link placed in our link directory please email us with the following information.
Please provide your web site's Title, a brief Description, your URL address and the Theme page you would like your link listed in.
Of course, we would love a link back. We're all looking for as much traffic as we can get. Reciprocal links sure seem to be the most cost effective and responsive ways of getting visitors to our sites.
If you are a link partner, you will receive special treatment with your link located at the top of the page PLUS it will also be listed again in the general listing. A Link Partner image will be placed next to your link letting our visitors know you are a link partner.
To become a Link Partner, include your URL address to your link page, listing our link, along with your other information.
To be listed in the Link Directory email the following info:
To be a Link Partner include:
- your web site's Title
- a brief Description
- your URL address
- the Theme page you would like your link listed in
- the URL address to your link page, listing our link to this web site
Before you proceed make sure that your site is not already listed. Note:
If your site is already listed but you want to change its description,
title, and/or placement, e-mail links@mainlander.on.ca
with any changes
These web site links are listed as a convenience to our visitors. If you use these links, we take no responsibility and give no guarantees, warranties or representations, implied or otherwise, for the content or accuracy of these third-party sites.
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