Freshwater Fishing Pictures
Fly Fishing the Collon Cura-30 viewsWith a very heavy rain, we was fishing any way. And was lucky
103 viewsCod 19 kg.
Crappie Fishing in Arkansas-390 viewsCrappie From Lake Greeson caught on 9-15-04
Nice Spring 30 plus-269 viewsFraser river King salmon
One eyed Common-195 views
My 10 pounder largemouth-49 viewsI got this beauty at saguaro lake, arizona, on a worm, awesome, isn't it?
Same 10 pounder-51 views
| viewsGiving my new friend a hug in my Fishboy "Big Dead Stinky Fish" hat. See more at
Giant Mekong Catfish-83 viewsRoger Sommer with a furious fighting Mekong Cat, 34 lbs. Caught at Paradise Lake, Chiang Mai;Thailand.
Sockeye season 2004-286 viewsSockeye salmon in the Fraser river
Two Dutch Brothers try out Canada-664 viewsFraser river white sturgeon with BC Game Fisher 2004
Beautiful Char-254 viewsThis fantastic beauty was caught on a 9wt RPLXi using an egg sucking leach. Releasing this fish was a great way to end the day!