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  Avoiding Dangerous Climate Change
Met Office, Exeter, UK, 1-3 Feb 2005
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Event sponsored by bt the UK Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
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Conference outcomes

Conference closure

Draft Report of the Steering Committee

Report of the steering committee (PDF, 211 kb)

Tables of Impacts

Impacts of level/rate of temperature change on ecosystems (PDF, 184 kb)
Impacts on human systems due to temperature rise, precipitation change, increases in extreme events and sea level rise (PDF, 211 kb)
Major impacts of climate change on the earth system (PDF, 161 kb)
References (PDF, 152 kb)

Comments on the tables should be sent to

News releases

Themes debated during the three-day Avoiding Dangerous Climate Change conference ranged from the socio-economic effects of climate change to the vulnerability of eco-systems...
Met Office news release

No new technologies are needed to stabilise greenhouse gas concentrations at low levels, according to Bert Metz, Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (RIVM)...
Met Office news release

Africa could bear the brunt of the damage from projected human-induced climate change, according to Bill Hare, Visiting Scientist, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research...
Met Office news release

Speaking at the conference, UK Environment Secretary Margaret Beckett called for international co-operation to battle climate change and its impacts...
Defra news release
Met Office news release

Speaker presentations

Speaker presentations are available from the programme pages.

Abstracts of poster presentations

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