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nutritional supplements, liquid vitamins, antioxidants
the best way to lose weight

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 Looking for the best way to lose weight? Please don't get involved in a battle of willpower...

The best way to lose weight

Overweight: A cause or a consequence?

Depression and obesity

Setting goals to lose weight

Losing weight step by step

Dieting tips for your weight loss program

Low calorie recipes
Juicy and tasty

Calorie chart

Show me your progress!

Vitamin supplement
D.E.C. for digestion
Green tea
Whey protein

liquid vitamins

Nutrient analysis
Liquid vitamins
Vitamin A
Vitamin C
Vitamin D
Vitamin deficiency
Protein supplement

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vitamins and antioxidants

The best way to lose weight

The best way to lose weight is getting involved in pleasant activities and searching for tasty and healthy foods but low in calories. This may at first sound extremely difficult, if not impossible, but it is based on personal experience after having wasted 20 years with the so-called expert methods on how to lose weight, paid or free, and after having spent a lot of money with no success. Hence, this website aims at telling the world what the best way to lose weight is - there is no price to pay for a method...

Good choices come from experience. Experience comes
from bad choices. (Author unknown)
Because losing weight isn't easy, many unethical professionals specialize in the problem. Avoid them. The best way to lose weight is certainly not using weight loss pills, even when prescribed - they are never helpful in the long run. Avoid them too, unless you are one of the few obese people with an impairment in the regulatory mechanism of the central nervous system that governs food intake. These people do not know when to stop eating and need medical help.

Ideally, the best way to lose weight is proper eating combined with proper physical activity. This balance is difficult to achieve for most people because it often involves a change in attitudes and behavior patterns. It is therefore important that the reducing diet should be somewhat similar to the person's usual eating style. The best way to lose weight should not involve a battle of willpower - you cannot fight yourself every single day! As for fast weight loss tips - they simply don't exist.

What some call health, if purchased by perpetual
anxiety about diet, isn't much better than
tedious disease. (George Dennison Prentice)
In order to start losing weight, it is important to know that people become overweight because they eat more and use less physical energy than they used to. They do very little walking because of the availability of cars. They do very little manual labor because of the increasing use of machines. Even if they eat healthy foods, they have the time for nibbling at all hours especially when sitting in front of the TV screen. Therefore, excess weight is the result of the imbalance between calorie intake as food and caloric expenditure as energy. Calories not spent become converted to fat, so the best way to lose weight would be to find out how many calories you should intake for the amount of exercise you do.

Lose weight: How realistic is it?

By personal experience, the best way to lose weight is not counting calories by type of activity and type of food. This is unrealistic in the long run - you can do it for a week and get tired soon. However, it is true that the caloric content must be changed and we will see how later on.
Gluttony kills more than the sword. 
- George Herbert (1593-1633)
Most obese people are aware of the increased likelihood that they will suffer from diabetes or heart diseases etc and yet, this awareness alone does not motivate them to start following a low fat diet. This is not the right place to discuss why and how obesity is a health hazard, but one of the best ways to lose weight is learning about the damaging psychological problems overweight is causing.


Nutritional supplements - vitamins & antioxidants

- Prolonged health with an all-natural liquid multivitamin.
- Pellagra caused by vitamin deficiencies.
- Protein supplements saved many children's lives.
- "Thanks for bringing these incredible supplements to the market!"
- Food and nutrition, a major issue everywhere.
- Protein, the most vital nutrient.
- Eat up all your vegetables!
- Pay for good health today, or pay for bad health tomorrow!
- Muscle and fitness activities combined with wise food nutrition for a winning attitude.
- Add quality nutritional supplements to your health and fitness program.
- Dieting to lose weight quickly or to stay healthy?



For another excellent weight loss resource, check out for weightloss information and exercise tips. Accelerate's weight loss products promote rapid weight loss. They provide a complete program of balanced weight loss products and anabolic eating programs to provide you with the extra help you'll need to finally be successful at not just losing weight but burning fat.
- E-IQ Test, Personality Tests - ABCs of Personal Growth...

Food science
Protein foods
Plant nutrients
Vegetable history
Sports nutrition
Natural selection
Becoming obese
Preventive psychiatry







   MeDiet 2004

Farm welfare risks
A novel egg
Food guidelines
Fruits and vegetables
Antioxidants intake
The Attica Study
Greek bee-honeys
Dietary d-limonene
Cultural aspects
Regional foods
Our ancestors' diets
Obesity in Morocco
Plasma lipids
Oxidative stress
MeDiet in Germany?
Cretan sample
Consumption changes
Blood pressure
Business dimension
Modern times
Food choice
Consumption data
Hypertension control
Animal welfare risks
Dry cured hams
Nutritional status

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