Funny Stuff I've Found
Dealing with Assholes
Letter to Dr. Laura.
Ways to be Annoying
Things to do in a Public Bathroom
Things to do in an Elevator
Ways to Drive People Crazy
True Friendship (not your average sappy friendship poem) <grin>
Tourism Bureau Notice to ALL visiting Northerners And Northeastern Urbanites
(courtesy of my dear sweet father who is a former yankee from Ohio)-Thanks
Dad! And I AM from Tennessee, so don't bother writing to tell me this is
offensive to Southerners. If you're actually Southern, you know much of it
is true.
Ugly -
This is actually just really, really sad, but you might get a good laugh
out of it anyway. :)
Christ's Homepage - Don't try any of Jesus' links to other sites,
they're all broken (he's not such a great webmaster, apparently). This
site has been up since 1996. I can't believe anyone would have an AOL
account for that long!
Link Exchanges
April Fools Tricks Homepage
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