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Australian Subject Gateways Forum

ASGF Gateways

See also: Technical Considerations

Established Gateways:

Agrigate | AMOL | AusStage | AustLit | Australia Dancing | Australian Digital Theses | Australian e-Humanities Gateway | Australian Science at Work | Australian Trade Union Archives | AVEL | Bright Sparcs | EdNA Online | Guide to Australian Literary Manuscripts | LawAccess NSW | PADI | PictureAustralia | WebLaw

Gateways Under Development:


Comments and suggestions to the group are welcome. Please contact the Library's Coordination Support Branch at: or the gateways directly.

Established Gateways




Agrigate is an Australian information gateway for researchers of agriculture. Included are websites, databases, and e-reports that have been vetted for quality and currency by subject librarians from three Australian universities and the CSIRO. Users can search by keyword or browse broad subject headings. Suggestions of relevant agriculture research resources are welcomed. A What's New alert service is available by free email subscription.



AMOL Australian Museums & Galleries Online

AMOL is the national internet gateway to Australian museums and galleries and caters to the needs of people working in the museum sector with dedicated professional resources. AMOL also develops and maintains a distributed national database of movable cultural heritage, a national guide to museums and galleries and a learning gateway to museums' educational resources called Discovernet. AMOL is currently redeveloping its website which is to be relaunched in early 2005 as the 'Collections Australia Network' (CAN).



AusStage: Gateway to the Australian Performing Arts

AusStage provides an index and directory to performing arts events in Australia since the beginning of 2001, while work is continuing to 'fill in the blanks' in the years before 2001. AusStage indexing is limited to live performances of events with a dramatic content, such as plays, music theatre and dance. As an infrastructure project, the primary aim of the index is to provide a marker of what was an ephemeral event rather than a rich description of it, and to suggests links via the directory to those institutions or individuals where more detailed information on that ephemeral event may be obtained.



AustLit: the Resource for Australian Literature

AustLit is a non-profit collaboration between eight Australian universities and the National Library of Australia providing authoritative information on hundreds of thousands of creative and critical Australian literature works relating to more than 75,000 Australian authors and literary organisations. Its coverage spans the 1780s to the present day. AustLit indexes and describes Australian literature published in a range of print and electronic information sources. It also makes available selected critical articles and creative writing in full text. Researchers, bibliographers and librarians, working around the country, gather information about Australian writers and writing, providing authoritative information on and facilitating access to Australian literature.

Australia Dancing


Australia Dancing

The Australia Dancing portal provides users with access to both current and historical information about dance in Australia. The primary zone, the directory of resources, describes dance research materials held by the National Library of Australia (host), ScreenSound Australia, and other selected institutions. Some of this material is directly accessible in digital formats, some is available as electronic finding aids. Progressively more material is being made available in these ways. The directory service is supplemented by other pages enabling discovery, location and access to information about dance in Australia through links to other relevant sites, and through current industry information provided by Ausdance.

ADT Program


Australian Digital Theses (ADT) Program

ADT is an initiative of the Library of University of New South Wales, collaborating with several other Australian universities. It provides a distributed database of digital versions of theses produced by the postgraduate research students at Australian universities. ADT Expansion and Redevelopment project, to be completed by end of 2004, will develop a federated search service covering all Australian postgraduate research theses, whether in digital form or not.

Australian e-Humanities Gateway


Australian e-Humanities Gateway

The Australian e-Humanities Gateway is an initiative of the Australian e-Humanities Network providing a number of online resources for humanities researchers using digital tools. It incorporates a searchable database that lists projects concerned with the use of digital resources in humanities disciplines in Australia, and provides access to a discussion forum and weekly news bulletin.

Australian Science at Work


Australian Science at Work

A register of the many industries, corporations, research institutions, scientific societies and other organisations that have contributed to Australia's scientific, technological and medical heritage, with references to their archival materials and a bibliography of their historical published literature. The gateway was developed by the Australian Science and Technology Heritage Centre.



Australian Trade Union Archives (ATUA)

Australian Trade Union Archives is a gateway for researchers and scholars of labour history, designed to link together historical detail, archival resources, published material and current information about Australian industrial organisations. Archival metadata standards have been used for description, resource discovery and publication of the results on the Web.



AVEL Sustainability Knowledge Network

AVEL Sustainability Knowledge Network is a portal and brokerage service for engineers, other professionals and researchers concerned with sustainable systems. It is also a resource for students in senior secondary and tertiary education. The metadata used consists of a combination of Dublin Core, AGLS, EdNA and A-Core metadata elements.

Bright Sparcs


Bright Sparcs

An online register of over 3,000 people involved in the development of science, technology and medicine in Australia, including references to their archival materials and bibliographic resources. The gateway was developed by the Australian Science and Technology Heritage Centre.

EdNA Online


EdNA Online: Education Network Australia

EdNA Online is a network of and for the Australian education and training community (government and non-government schooling systems, vocational education and training, adult community education and higher education). The EdNA Metadata Standard is based on the Dublin Core Metadata Element Set and is consistent with AGLS.

Guide to Australian Literary Manuscripts


Guide to Australian Literary Manuscripts

The Guide to Australian Literary Manuscripts provides access to a database of finding aids for collections of literary manuscripts in Australian libraries. More than 80 finding aids are currently available for browsing and searching. The Encoded Archival Description format (EAD) is used as the encoding standard for the finding aids. The site is hosted by the University of Western Australia.

LawAccess Online


LawAccess NSW

LawAccess NSW enables the general public to easily access quality plain language legal resources and services that provide legal assistance. Justice Sector Metadata Standard elements are used to describe resources. This standard conforms to Dublin Core and AGLS metadata catering for legal specific information such as jurisdiction, act name and secondary materials. Participants include the NSW Attorney General's Department, NSW Legal Aid Commission, Law Society of NSW, and NSW Bar Association.



PADI: Preserving Access to Digital Information

PADI is an initiative of the National Library of Australia to provide high quality information about issues and tools for preserving digital resources, both digitised and 'born digital'. The site uses the Dublin Core, A-Core and some locally defined metadata schema. An international advisory group provides advice and guidance for PADI.




PictureAustralia is a web service based on a metadata index held at the National Library of Australia which links to pictorial images held on the web sites of participating cultural agencies around Australia. The service has a 'hybrid' architecture with a centralised search index and distributed images. Through a single access point, it is possible to search the distributed image collections of many significant cultural institutions, without having to know where the images are held.

Weblaw icon



WebLaw is a co-operative subject index to internet resources for Australian legal researchers including lawyers, students, researchers and lay professionals. Participating organisations take responsibility for a subject area/s, and provide annotated links to quality assessed resources in this area.

Gateways Under Development




MusicAustralia is now in its prototype phase. The vision is to develop MusicAustralia as a web-based music service that will provide integrated access to Australian music resources and information to all Australians and other interested users. MusicAustralia is to be developed and delivered as a collaboration between the National Library of Australia, ScreenSound Australia and other national cultural institutions and the wider Australian music community. It aims to make Australian music resources and information, both historical and contemporary, as widely accessible as possible in all their formats.

Date last verified: 17 February 2005

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