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Fiore Scarlatto photo

Fiore Scarlatto

Total Posts :: 13867
Member Since :: January 18, 2001 (Global User)

My Personal Information

First Name :: Fiore
Last Name :: Scarlatto
Age :: private
Location :: Earth
Occupation :: Elven Activist.
Hobbies :: Looking pretty - though Fiore swore she need not do much to achieve that effect, and that practically means she had no hobbies. What a bum!
Personal Bio :: Fiore Scarlatto was supposedly an elf, or so she believed and often kept her pointy ears (allegedly) under her massive bouncy blonde hair. As a young elf she had wished for the races between human and elven kind to live in harmony and not hiding behind their identities. A couple of failed campaigns did not dishearten her. She hated the racist-elves who denote humankind as inferior, and the lack of understanding from humankind. She wanted to blend in to humankind. Prententious? Or naive? Just a case of elven mental disfunctioning?

My Contact Information

Email Address :: private
My Inbox :: Send me a Message!
IM :: AOL - Fiore Scarlatto
Recent Posts :: private
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