Increased trend for suicide
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Congress on Preventive Psychiatry Athens, 1999 Feb. 24-28 |
Strategies for the prevention of suicide: emphasis on suicide attempters with concurrent psychiatric disorder
Suicide is a major public health problem showing an increase trend in most countries. Among risk factors for suicide, the most powerful predictors are: psychiatric disorder and previous suicide attempt (especially serious or violent). 20% of those who attempt suicide will repeat the act, and 2% will succeed over one-year period. Suicide rarely occurs in the absence of psychiatric disorder. Affective disorders (depressive type), alcoholism, schizophrenia and drug abuse were found to be the diagnoses predominently associated with completed suicide. The aim of this paper is to present the recent knowledge on suicidal prevention with special emphasis on interventions in suicide attempters with concurrent psychiatric disorder. The cardinal role of psychiatrists among other mental health professionals in suicide prevention is stressed. |
V.P. Kontaxakis Department of Psychiatry, University of Athens "Eginition" Hospital, Athens | | | |
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