Payday Loan Advice
Payday Loan Advice is here and available for you, the consumer! Learn all the hard-to-find information about payday cash loans right here at Payday Loan Advice.
Payday Loan Advice - A Beginner's Guide
Unsure of what to make of the payday advance loans? Well, you've stumbled upon an excellent resource to begin comprehending the way these usury loans work. Welcome to the pages of Payday Loan Advice, a place where you can determine the best way to find the perfect angle out of a tricky financial dilemma.
We're fairly confident in our sentiment that no one likes to have to face an unexpected financial situation; one which necessitates the need to borrow funds, and borrow them quickly. We all know the generosity of our family and friends can only go so far and it's important to not make borrowing from them a habit. If there is no way to wait for your next paycheck, a payday advance loan is an alternative. You just want to be sure you are aware of all the terms and conditions of borrowing under the system.
Payday Loan Advice wishes to make it clear that the concept behind borrowing on these terms is in 'advance.' You are merely using the payday cash loans as a tool to speed along the process of receiving your paycheck. So, of course, you need to have some form of reliable income coming in in order to qualify. This is not a bad stipulation in consideration of the fact that the payday loans can be used by consumers who have bad credit. Getting payday advances still means you have to pay off your loans.
The Price
The price that comes along with the payday advance is found in the fee. Typically, the fee will be $20-25 per $100 borrowed. Consequentially, APR's of these cash loans run the gamut from 304.17% to 1303.57%. But on the positive side, Payday Loan Advice wishes you to know that the haste is the redeeming value. For instance, you can request a cash loan on one day, and have the funds deposited into your account on the next business day. What you have to do to request the funds is fill out an application and provide the cash advance payday loan company with the appropriate information. Some require not only that you have a job, but also that you've had it for at least 3-6 months. Terms and conditions of each cash advance company will vary. Ordinarily, you will need to have a direct deposit system in place to streamline all transactions.
Available Funds
Be sure your money is available in your account, the day of the repayment withdrawal. If for some reason, your money is not in your account on that day, you'll want to request an extension (roll-over) in advance from your payday loan company. Most will allow you to request extensions, for a limited amount of time and within a certain timeframe (e.g. 48 hours in advance of the scheduled repayment withdrawal). In most cases, you will be charged a maintenance fee for requesting an extension on your cash advances, which will be less than the fee you'd be charged if you failed to have the funds present, without notice.
Payday Loan Advice suggests that if you're on the market for a payday cash loan, you approach companies and eliminate the ones who are not up front with you. If they are not clear about how much you can expect to pay for a fee, you'll want to be very cautious in proceeding with them. Think about it this way, would you finance a car without getting a clear answer on what the APR will be? You should think of your cash advance payday loans in the same way. It's usually true that when someone is not upfront with us from the onset, it's quite likely that they won't be clear with us later on when critical issues can come up. So heed the pages of Payday Loan Advice and be ready to never throw caution to the wind again when you are on the market to borrow money in a hurry.
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