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Anti Virus

Computer Viruses are malicious programs designed to self-replicate and spread to other systems. Their function can range anywhere from displaying a message on
a certian date, to permitting others to control your computer, to erasing files or formatting your hard drive.
Trojan Horses are similar, except that a trojan horse is defined as any malicious program disguised as a harmless one. (Which means that all Computer Viruses are also trojan horses, but not all trojan horses are viruses)

The best protection against either viruses or trojan horses is to be very careful not to run any untrusted files, and to run an up to date virus scanner regularly.

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  • PrettyPark
  • Products
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  • Spyware and Adware
  • Trojans
  • Virus Encyclopedias

  • See also:
  • ComputersEducationInternetHelpandTutorials
  • ComputersSoftware
  • ComputersSoftwareV

  • Stories related to Computer Security Anti Virus

    NEC developing network security analysis system
    NEC is developing a network security system that will automatically monitor and analyze the configuration of security tools deployed in a network and suggest changes to fix vulnerabilities and any redundancies that exist between them, the company announced Tuesday.

    Creating A Human Body Computer
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    Blast at Anti-Syrian Stronghold Kills 3
    BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) _ A bomb killed three people in a Christian commercial center early Wednesday, the second attack in an anti-Syrian stronghold in five days, raising fears that agitators were trying to show a need for Syria's military presence in Lebanon. A major opposition group, Qornet Shehwan, accused the pro-Damascus authorities of seeking to "terrorize" the people through the blasts. The local member of parliament called on his constituents to resist attempts to draw them into sectarian strife.

    Symbian Trojan attacks anti-virus protection
    <h4>Low risk malware adopts Windows attack strategy</h4> <p>Malware authors have created a Trojan that targets Symbian smart phones and attempts to remove any anti-virus protection it finds. The <a href="" target="_blank">Drever-C Trojan</a> attacks mobile anti-virus packages from F-Secure, Kaspersky and Simworks running on Symbian devices. Targeting security protection is common in mainstream Windows PC malware but this is a recent innovation for mobile viruses.…</p>

    McCain plugs Bush's plan for Social Security
    Republican Sen. John McCain, sitting alongside President Bush at a Social Security event here Tuesday, threw a few punches at those he says are blocking change.

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