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Volunteer at the Vaults!

The Newfoundland Historic Trust would like to hear from potential volunteers for Newman Wine Vaults Provincial Historic Site at 336 Water Street, St. John's for the period of June-August 2003. Volunteer roles may include:

Interpreter: Do interpretation work at the Vaults, which includes giving tours, providing historic information, and answering visitors' questions about the site, as well as attractions, etc. in the city and province. Some training provided. As well, a Newfoundland Liquor Corporation agency will operate on site, allowing us to sell fortified wines befitting the Vaults, along with some other items.

Special events helper: Examples of special events being planned for this summer season are theatre, historical re-enactments and wine tastings. Volunteers might help at the Vaults by selling tickets, serving wine, helping with event set-up, etc.

Would you like to volunteer at (please check):
____ Interpretation
____ Special events
Are you available (please check):
____ days
____ weekends
____ evenings
Your skills (please check):
____ Knowledge of Newfoundland & Labrador history
____ Knowledge of St. John's history
____ Knowledge of local attractions
____ Carrying out special events
____ Promotion
____ Retail
____ Other (please list):_________________________________________





Please print and return this form to:
Newfoundland Historic Trust
PO Box 2403
St. John's, NL A1 6E7
fax: 709-739-5413
call: 709-739-7870

I hope to hear from you!