The complete website submission service!
- Save precious time with a one-stop submission service.
- Submit to 1650+ search engines, directories, including
- An affordable and easy way to get free traffic from
the Web.
- Unlimited Domain Support - Submit as many URLs as
you want!
- Profiles allow you to save all your different sets
of website information for later one-click use.
SubmitCentre includes an affordable search engine submission
tool which will submit your website automatically to the
leading search engines & directories with a click
of a button. Our simple, step-by-step, setup takes only
minutes to complete, and gives your site the best chance
at a great results ranking.
You’ve got better things to do than submitting your
URLs to numerous search engines individually! Instead
of wasting your valuable time on tedious submissions,
let SubmitCentre's automated submission process do it
for you.
Submit to 1650+ search engines
& directories, including Google!
Amongst search engines, Google is the undoubted king:
Google powers 54% of all searches in the United States
(comScore Media Metrix, May 2004). Inclusion in Google
also means that your URL will be included in results from
AOL Search, MSN, Netscape Search, Lycos and many more.
SubmitCentre also submits your URLs to Google and over
1650 other search engines and directories, including AllTheWeb,
CNET Search, GoSubmit, Jayde, ScrubTheWeb, ExactSeek,
Mirago, Search It, Sympatico, DogPile and many more. See
below for a full list of search engines and directories.
Search engines are quirky and may drop your URLs from
their index. We recommend you resubmit your URLs regularly.
This is why we have added the option to repeat the submission
service any time you want from the comfort of your account
management interface.
When you signup for a SubmitCentre, Express Submit™
Package you get all these great tools:
Engine Submission Tool
- Submit to 1650+
Search Engines/Directories (Automatic)
- View submission reports for all
submissions made by the system
- Advanced SubmitMX™ Engine
automatically connects to remote search engines at
a blazing speed with 3 submission modes:
Real-time submission mode
submits your website in the browser with a
real-time submission status interface |
Scheduled submission mode
allows you to scheduled an automated submission
at a future date |
Cycled submission mode submits
your website every 30, 60, 90 or 120 days |
Engine Ranking Tool
- Check Rankings in the top 12 Search Engines ( View
List )
- Check for exact or recursive ranking matches
- Easy step by step wizard walks you through the process
of creating proper meta tags
- Keyword grabbing feature actually retrieves keywords
related to your website
- Analyze meta tags and even analyze a website based
on the metatags created
Analyzer Tool
- Examines a websites metatags for search engine compliance
- Determines keyword density within the document
- Extracts page links for one-click analyzing
Checker Tool
- Verifies all images and HTML links on your website
are active
Generator Tool
- Automatically generates keywords related to a supplied
- This is a great tool to use while building your
meta tags
Checker Tool
- Checks your website's Alexa popularity rating
- Checks your MSN link count
- Checks your Google link count
- HTML code is inserted to all your client's pages.
All visitor information is tracked.
- All stat code runs on client's server to save server
Tracker Tool
- Track Clicks from any of your advertiser's websites.
Per Click Tracker Tool
- Track PPC Search Engine Clicks
- Records all information about the user clicking
on your listings (IP Address, Host Address, Browser,

Just $49.95 per year - UNLIMITED Domains/Use!
Signup Now