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Free PPC Coupons
(Valued at $215)

BONUS: Marketing Package
*Limited Time Only Promotion

Various online market surveys shows that the best way to drive traffic to your Web site is through search engine marketing. A recent study shows that 85 percent of Internet users use search engines to shop for goods and services.

The potential for customers finding you via search engines cannot be ignored, the question you need to ask yourself is how do you get your site listed on the most popular search engines with the best possible rank, without breaking the bank?

At SubmitCentre, we can give you a head start. We've teamed up with several of the Internet's leading pay per click companies to provide you with over $215 worth of advertising credit when you sign up for our Express submit service.

Receive your FREE coupons to the following top PPC search engines:

Overture ($100) - Top listings on Yahoo!, Alta Vista, MSN, Lycos and other top search engines. Overture has one of the highest reach power due to their affiliation with some of largest search engine brands. WannaClick ($40) - Using our gift certificate, Wannaclick will send thousands of potential customers to your site, for free!
Enhance Interactive ($25) (formerly - Offers PPC listings as low as 3 cents per click to reach a user base of up to 40 million unique users monthly on sites such as MSN, Netzero, and Search123 ($20) - Includes your PPC ads only on sites whose content is a match for your specific service or product. They are highly selective in accepting Traffic partners so you can rest assured that your ads will only display on high quality, and highly targeted web sites.
Kanoodle ($10) - Get your ads in front of over one billion searches per month for as little as 5 cents per click. Get free advertising on popular search engines including Metacrawler, Dogpile, WebCrawler, Infospace, Go2net, CNET, Mamma, Galaxy, and
FindWhat ($10)
- Offers PPC listings starting at 5 cents per click with distribution on popular search engines like CNET's, Excite, Webcrawler, NBCi, MetaCrawler, Dogpile and Go2Net.

PLUS! Free Web Marketing eBook ($10) - Learn how to design successful websites that sell online!



How do I get it?
All new SubmitCentre members will be able to access their free gift coupons from their membership pages.

What does it mean to "pay per click?"

Pay Per Click (PPC) search engines have grown in popularity over the last few years as companies have begun to realize just how important first and second page search rankings can be to their business. As the name implies, "pay per click" search engine advertising requires you to pay only when a visitor actually clicks through to your site, unlike banner advertising where you pay "per impression" - each time someone views your ad. This is also unlike "traditional" search engine rankings where you do not pay per impression or per click, but you may pay a maintenance fee to a service like ours to maintain your listings.

How do pay-per-click search engines work?
Most pay-per-click search engines are based on a bidding system - the highest positions go to the top bidders. This means that a click is worth whatever you want to pay for it (your bid), but to get your PPC listing at the very top for a popular search phrase, you might have to pay quite a lot for each click. The search term "web hosting" for example, currently costs over $9.00 per click on Overture. But a much less popular term like "Ohio wedding band" would cost you only 10 cents for a #1 spot. It all depends on what you're selling or promoting.

How do I know what search terms to select?
As with traditional "organic" search engine placement, the success of a pay per click campaign depends on the relevance of the search words and phrases you select. But it also depends on the cost per click of your PPC listings. The best way to identify popular search terms is with Overture's "Term Suggestion" and "View Bids" tools which are available here on Overture's tools page.

How do I know what PPC search engines to use?
The larger PPC services like Overture and Google AdWords provide the best placement (front page positions on places like Yahoo, MSN and Google), but they also typically charge the highest costs per click due to higher competition. Other PPC providers like Enhance Interactive, Kanoodle, FindWhat and Search123 get a bit less exposure, but they are typically much less expensive than the other two so you will pay less per qualified visitor.

How do I know if my ads are effective?
Each of the major Pay-Per-Click providers offers extensive reporting capabilities so you can see which ads are pulling the most visitors. But an ad can be popular without being effective. The ultimate guideline for any pay-per-click ad is how much business is it bringing me? If you're paying $100 per day in click fees to advertise cell phones, but you're only generating $75 per day in revenue from that ad, then you either need to cut back on your advertising (lower your per-click bids) or improve your site's conversion rate from visitor to sale.


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