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Browse the most popular books: (1-25 of 100)

1.Title: Handbook of Diagnostic and Therapeutic Spine Procedures
Author: Murtagh, Williams
In what is described by a professor emeritus in radiology as "the first textbook by radiologists describing minimally invasive spine techniques," Williams (St. Louis U. School of Medicine) and Murtagh... More
2.Title: Practical Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology
This important book synthesises the most recent findings about drug treatments for children with a broad range of psychiatric disorders. More
4.Title: Get Through MRCP Part 2 : 360 Best-of-fives
Author: Dias, Aruna
"Get Through MRCP Part 2" provides a selection of 1000 multiple choice questions, using both formats used in the new exam papers, "Best of Five" and the extended style MCQ, "n from many". The question... More
5.Title: Pocket Guide to Critical Appraisal
Author: Crombie, Iain Kinloch, BSc PhD C Stat Hon MFPHM
Divided into two parts, this text provides a basic introduction to the principles underlying critical appraisal of medical research. It also contains checklists, each annotated with explanatory text, ... More
6.Title: Clinical Anatomy
This revision text provides an understanding of anatomy in its clinical context. The book begins with surface markings, followed by detailed discussions of each organ or constituent part. These anatom... More
7.Title: Atlas of Human Anatomy
Author: Jacob, S.
This concise, photographic atlas of human gross anatomy is aimed at the relatively shorter and less detailed anatomy courses now being taught. The book is organized on a body region basis and each cha... More
8.Title: Genetic Basis of Human Cancer
Author: Vogelstein
Oncology is witnessing a dramatic, rapid growth of knowledge brought about by the Human Genome Project. This book provides a modern overview of the fundamentals of genetics and human phenotypes, gene ... More
9.Title: ACSM's Resources for Clinical Exercise Physiology
Author: American College of Sports Medicine
Written for post-baccalaureate-level clinical exercise physiologists with training in the exercise sciences, this book explores the benefits and limitations of exercise testing and training in the eva... More
10.Title: Atlas of Internal Medicine
Author: Braunwald
This atlas covers 13 major fields of internal medicine. It has been designed for primary care physicians and internists who prefer a visual approach to learning. More
11.Title: Differential Diagnosis in Internal Medicine
Author: Greenberger, Norton. J., MD, et al, Bernsten, Mark.F., MD
This handbook contains over 300 lists and tables, each organized by medical discipline area, numbered and indexed. Topics have been selected in order to publish the most useful material in a pocket si... More
12.Title: Talking to Cancer Patients and Their Relatives
Author: Faulkner, Ann, Maguire, Peter
This handbook focuses primarily on the skills and strategies needed for effective communications between health professionals and patients trying to adapt to a fear-provoking diagnosis and an uncertai... More
13.Title: Clinical Cardiac Pacing and Defibrillation
Author: Wilkoff, Bruce L., Ellenbogen, Kenneth A., Kay, G. Neal
This text offers guidance on both cardiac pacemakers and implantable cardioverter defibrillators. It examines the clinical, engineering, and practical aspects of patient and device management - from b... More
14.Title: Foundations of Cardiac Pacing
Author: Sutton, Norman C., Bourgeois, Ivan
Fundamental and practical guide for physicians, technicians and nurses. Text covers overview of single chamber pacing from basic electrophysiology to post-implantation treatment. More
15.Title: Comprehensive Clinical Endocrinology
Author: Besser, G. Michael, Thorner, Michael O.
This fully revised edition of the 1994 edition is expanded to cover diabetes in great detail, with greatly increased clinical detail on each condition and new clinical treatment plans to assist in the... More
16.Title: Dermatology
Author: Shaw, S., Wilkinson, J.D.
Part of the "Colour Guides" series, this text on dermatology covers such topics as: genodermatoses; benign childhood vascular tumours; benign childhood naevi; napkin eruptions; childhood scalp conditi... More
17.Title: Endovascular Treatment of Intracranial Aneurysms
Author: Guglielmi, G., Byrne, J.V.
This volume is a comprehensive review of current endovascular techniques for the treatment of cerebral aneurysms. It is intended to be a practical manual for those practising, or intending to practise... More
19.Title: Basic Neurochemistry
This revised text contains new chapters which cover cell-cell interactions; adhesion molecules and extracellular matrix; intracellular trafficking; cytosol-nuclear communication; nerve growth and rege... More
20.Title: Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing
Author: Shapiro, Francine
Shapiro, the originator of eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR), explains the principles and uses of the method for treating trauma victims. She reviews research and development in EMD... More
21.Title: Guide to Effective Care in Pregnancy and Childbirth
Author: Enkin, Murray, et al
This guide provides a review of research evidence on the effects of the various care practices carried out during pregnancy, childbirth and the early days after birth. More
22.Title: Medical Disorders in Obstetric Practice
Author: de Swiet, M.
An authoritative reference work for all obstetricians and internists. More
23.Title: Medicines for Children
An A-Z of medicines that are available on prescription to children by the team that produced "Medicines - The Comprehensive Guide". The selection contains those drugs most commonly used in practice an... More
25.Title: Motor Assessment of the Developing Infant
Author: Darrah, Johanna, MSc PT, Piper, Martha C., PT PhD
Presents current theories of infant motor development. The book describes the Alberta Infant Motor Scale (AIMS) system, including its applications and psychometric properties. It goes on to cover the ... More

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