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WTO webcasting

The WTO provides webcasting (internet broadcasting) of major events and for training purposes.  Notices of upcoming events are posted on the WTO homepage. Most videos are available in Real Media and Windows Media format.

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   Real Player

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   Apple Quicktime player

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WTO news videos  back to top

July 2004 DDA package
Video news release (5 minutes)
Real Media:           High      Low
Windows Media:    High      Low


WTO News Conference — April 5, 2004
World Trade 2003, Prospects for 2004
(18 minutes)
Real Media:           High      Low 
Windows Media:    High      Low

Release of  international trade statistics with Research Director Patrick Low, Senior Economist Michael Finger and WTO Spokesperson Keith Rockwell.
Press release


Introductory videos back to top

A virtual tour of the WTO (27 minutes)
Real Media:           High      Low 
Windows Media:    High      Low

This video follows a pair of students on an introductory tour of the WTO building, as they question officials from the organization and from governments about how the WTO works.


To the heart of the WTO
Author: WTO (copyright 2002) — (23 minutes)
Real Media:           High      Low      Medium 
Windows Media:    High      Low      Medium

This video explains the WTO through member governments' eyes. It seeks to shed light on how the WTO system works, through the experience and motivations of two very different countries: Brazil, a large developing nation, and Norway, a small but economically advanced state.

From GATT to WTO (17 minutes)
Real Media
An introduction to the organization.

Case studies of WTO dispute settlement
Real Media   Windows Media

The case on environmental standards for gasoline, brought by Venezuela and Brazil against the US and the case on sound recordings brought by the US and EC against Japan are taken as examples to explain the WTO dispute settlement process.


Training videos back to top

WTO's second seminar on mainstreaming
Author: WTO (copyright 2002) — (69 minutes)
Real Media:           High      Low      Medium 
Windows Media:    High      Low      Medium

If trade is to be a motor for growth and development, trade policy needs to be anchored in an overall development policy framework. Concretely, this process of “mainstreaming” involves establishing priority policy actions, supported by a plan of action which includes coherent and coordinated delivery of trade-related technical assistance and capacity building. This was the focus of WTO's second seminar on mainstreaming, held on 31 October and 1 November 2002.

Prof. Anna Lanoszka (37 minutes)
Real Media   Windows Media

GATT Article XII procedures for accession are explained step by step by Prof. Anna Lanoszka, who worked for the WTO Accessions Division for several years. Each accession is different, taking into account the specificity of the acceding country and the special position of LDCs is acknowledged. Up-to-date information on the accession situation is included.

Basic principles of the WTO system
Pieter Jan Kuijper, Director of Legal Affairs Division (68 minutes)
Real Media   Windows Media

How has the 45 years old GATT legal architecture been transposed into the WTO and the new areas — TRIPS and Services — are covered. P.J. Kuijper reviews the basic principles of Most-Favoured-Nation Treatment (MFN) and National Treatment, negotiating techniques, special provisions such as safeguards, unfair competition (dumping and subsidies), state trading, transparency and neutrality principles. General and security exceptions, rules for regional agreements and special and differential treatment for developing and least-developed countries are also covered.

WTO Trade Policy Reviews and LDCs
Clemens Boonekamp, Director, and Sergios Stamnas, Counsellor
TPR Division (38 minutes)
Real Media   Windows Media

Improvements recently introduced to help LDCs undertake the periodic evaluation of their trade policies are explained by C. Boonekamp, while S. Stamnas details the main steps and information to be provided by countries under review.

Why is it important to liberalize ?
Patrick Low, Director, Cabinet of the Director General (70 minutes)
Real Media   Windows Media

Gains deriving from trade specialization are explained: better efficiency in resource allocation, gains to consumers, links between imports and exports. The dynamic arguments for trade, which include reciprocal influence between trade and growth, diffusion of technology, challenges facing small domestic markets are also covered, as well as arguments against opening trade.

The trade and finance approach to development
Richard Eglin, Director of Trade and Finance Division (67 minutes)
Real Media  Windows Media

The WTO is part of a larger system including the IMF and development agencies such as the World Bank and UN regional agencies. Integrating micro-economic, financial, trade and development policies, at domestic level, is the new paradigm.

The General Agreement on Services — GATS
David Hartridge, Director of Trade in Services Division
Real Media   Windows Media

Based on the structure of the GATT (legal rules and lists of commitments), the GATS is the only set of multilateral rules covering trade in services. It provides for flexibility and recognizes the right of governments to regulate, including for instance through prudential measures taken in the financial services area. The increased participation of developing countries in trade in services is encouraged by the GATS. D. Hartridge also provides in-depth information on the various modes of delivery for services, on on-going and future negotiations, as well as on the impact of the GATS on electronic commerce.

The Trade-Related Intellectual Property Rights Agreement (TRIPS)
Adrian Otten, Director of TRIPS Division

  • Tape 1 — Presentation (64 min.) Real Media   Windows Media
    The various IP rights covered are defined and the Uruguay Round process which led to the TRIPS Agreement is explained. The architecture of the Agreement is presented in detail, in particular its basic principles, how protection is provided and enforced, the settlement of disputes, transition periods for developing and least-developed countries, and notification obligations.
  • Tape 2 — Questions and answers (48 min.) Real Media   Windows Media
    This Q&A includes clarifications on compulsory licensing, copyright and patent protection for pharmaceuticals (effects on prices), LDCs difficulties to implement the TRIPS Agreement, transfer of technology, foreign direct investment, traditional knowledge, counterfeiting and piracy of indigenous music, protection of new plant varieties and genetically modified organisms.

Electronic Commerce and WTO
Andrew Stoler, Deputy Director-General (44 minutes)
Real Media   Windows Media

The first part presents an overview of the existing work programme on electronic commerce, the relevance of WTO provisions to E-commerce and development and the digital divide. In a second part, practical projects are addressed, such as WTO Reference Centres and the WTO website.



On Tuesday 23rd November 2004 the Director-General met with Mr. Peter Mandelson, EU Trade Commissioner
Webcasting: WTO public symposium 25 to 27 May 2004 “Multilateralism at a crossroads”
On Monday 2 February 2004 the Director-General met with Mr. Celso Amorim, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Brazil
Webcasting: The Fifth WTO Ministerial Conference in Cancún, Mexico from 10 to 14 September 2003

contact us : World Trade Organization, rue de Lausanne 154, CH-1211 Geneva 21, Switzerland