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How can I have my web site or web pages removed from the search engine? | |
There are several ways to prevent our crawler from indexing your site or portions of your site:
More about Slurp: Yahoo's Web-indexing Robot and Indexing FAQs
After you have made these changes to the site content or control documents to stop your pages from being crawled, you may still see the pages listed in our databases for some time. The changes will take effect in our search database when the information is updated in our next refresh cycle. Although the document content is not indexed, the URL of a protected page may remain in the search engine database as a reference link from other public web pages. To remove or block content from being accessible through the cache, please see our FAQ: How do I keep my page from being cached in Yahoo! Search? Please note that after you have made these changes to the site content or control documents the changes will register the next time the search engine crawls the page containing the NOARCHIVE tag (typically at least once per month). Under most circumstances, Yahoo! will not manually remove sites or pages from the index as we do not have the means to verify the validity and authority of each request.
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