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This category is for consumer tips and advice concerning home computer and online security.
  • Privacy

  • See also:
  • ComputerSecurity
  • ComputerSecurityInternetPrivacy
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    Stories related to House Consumer Information Computers and Internet Security

    Spammer Banned From Computers And The Internet
    A Florida judge has put a spammer in jail for a year -- but also <a href="">banned him from using computers or the internet for six years</a>. He also needs to pay a fine to BellSouth, who was apparently helpful in tracking him down. The specific charges weren't specifically for spamming, but for computer fraud in using others' accounts to spam. While he obviously deserves punishment, completely banning someone from computers and the internet is an interesting idea. With computers and the internet becoming so critical in almost everything people do, that may be a very difficult rule to follow. Most mobile phones are becoming mini-computers. In six years, even more things will basically be mini-computers. Will he not be allowed to use a phone? Or a TV? Or a stereo? It's an issue that's definitely going to come up.

    China: Most Office Computers Hit By Internet Security Problems

    Nearly 60 percent office computers have been infected by Internet bug   Home Network Security
    Gives home users an overview of the security risks and countermeasures associated with Internet connectivity, especially in the context of "always-on" or broadband access services such as cable modems and DSL.   Home Computer Security
    This site describes what to do to protect a home computer from theft, viruses, intrusions, disasters and fraud.   EFS File Encryption Tutorial
    Learn how to use the free Microsoft Encrypting File System (EFS) to protect your data and how to back-up your private key to enable data recovery.   Protect Your Privacy and E-mail on the Internet
    Guide to protecting privacy and personal information. Includes information on protecting passwords, e-mail software, IP numbers, encryption, firewalls, anti-virus software, and related resources.   Protect Your Online Privacy
    A collection of security and privacy tips and hints from the West Virginia Attorney General's Office.   Cyberangels
    Help and information for people being cyberstalked, harassed or defrauded; or find child pornography or cyberpredators.

      The expert in China Domain Name Registrations.($25.75)
    Worldwide China Domain Name registration offer exceptional potentials to people who wish to secure their Brandname in one of the prime locations for growth and investment opportunities with the coming decade.

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