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  • Search Term Suggestion Tool 1
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  • Check to see your external links
    Phone us to understand what the above does.  See important notes on this below.
    makes perfect sense when you think about it logically.

  • More Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Tools  -  SEO news 3-1-05

  • Google Patent Information
  • The importance of a web page is an inherently subjective matter, which depends on the readers interests, knowledge and attitudes.  However there is a large amount of information that can be presented objectively about the relative importance of web pages.
  • The backlink information below has changed as of 11-7-04 please phone us at 805-493-4450 for the newest information.
  • One of over hundreds of attributes, 100+ algorithms, Google uses to rank your web site is how many and how important the websites are that link to your website.  If all other factors are equal then PageRank would be the deciding factor.  In fact PageRank is very important in how Google decides how to rank web sites for keyword phrases.
    Your PageRank is more important for achieving top rankings the more competitive the keyword phrases are that you are trying to rank highly on.  This is partly because high traffic keywords increase the number of experts trying for top rankings, so some keywords are definitely more competitive and therefore these more competitive keywords require more time/money and superior SEO skills to have the desired results.  Every site that links to you that has a PR of 4+ (rarely if ever lower) counts towards your Google Backward Links (PR=PageRank) as seen on the Google toolbarThis is a general rule and is not allows the way Google does things.  Google does not tell anyone the details of how their ranking algorithms work.  Many SEO experts spend a tremendous amount of time trying to figure out how Google ranks websites.  One can glean some idea of how Google search engine ranking algorithms work by reading what SEO experts say and by conducting trial and error tests.  This of course can be extremely time consuming and not totally accurate.  Furthermore this process is frustrating because Google can and does change it's ranking algorithms on a regular basis.

    The linking page must have a PR4 or higher (although sometimes a lower PR ranked page will show).  If the website's index page has a PR of 6, but the page your link appears on is only a PR of 3, it will probably not count in your backward links.  Remember if you are looking at the Google Toolbar the PageRank meter is not totally accurate.  However it is close and easy and simple to use.  My ten year old daughter understands and likes using the Google toolbar, especially the PageRank meter.  She keeps hoping this web site will go up in PageRank, it is cute.

    Your link title (anchor text) must be coded a certain way.  A link such as will not help you that much in increasing your traffic.  You want improved ranking for high traffic keyword phrases that are highly targeted for the products and services you are offering on your web site.  It does no one any good if you attract non targeted visitors.  That is what makes search engines so wonderful.  They bring together buys and sellers, researchers and information keepers, etc. together when they both want to be connected.  However if the link is coded so that you can click on e.g. "Ford Trucks" and it will take people to your site,  then that will help more with your search engine rankings for the keyword phrase "Ford Trucks".

    If the URL does not  point to your website per se (i.e.. it is coded with a tracking code from the other persons site such as " /links/yourdomain/abcdx.cgi") it usually will not count either.

    If your target search term is "Computers", it will help you in your search rankings if your link has the word computers in it. (i.e.. people can click on "My Fabulous Computer Site" and go to your webpage).

    You should always be wary of linking to someone with a PR0 because it might actually hurt your rankings.  Google sees that you are linking to a "bad neighborhood" so to speak.  This is true of link farm sites like .  I am glad Google gave them a PR0, they just cause Internet pollution, and serve no useful purpose.

    When you do link exchanges, you should also check to see what the other websites PR is first.  You would be surprised at the number of sites that have been banned, and you will want to be careful you are not linking into any bad neighborhoods, as that can also get you banned by association if you have lots of PR0 links to and from your site, but very few higher PR links.

    When you advertise online, check out the PR of the site and page where your ad will appear, if it is a PR4 or higher, it could count as a backlink.  Again, be wary if the page your ad will appear on is a PR0 .  Stay away.

    The more high quality pages you have in your site the better, you have more content for search engines to index and more pages can help you create more internally generated PageRank.  See Phil Craven's paper, it is in the top ten if you search for PageRank in Google.



  • link:
    makes perfect sense when you think about it logically.

    Using this in Google does not work as well as we would like.

    It actually only shows sites that mention your URL or
    link to your site using the URL as anchor text.

    I wish there was a better command for finding all your links on
    Google, but if there is, I have not heard of it yet.  Also check out the
    other search engines.  For instance, at HotBot you can see most of
    your links by typing in ""  This seems
    to do a good job.  My guess is that even though you are using
    HotBot, Google will still know about all of those links.
    Google just does not like showing them all to you for some reason.




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