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stopzilla box.gif Product: StopZilla
Price: $29.99
Company Info: StopZilla!
Editor Rating: 1 star

stopzilla rating.gif

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+ Compact user interface

- Very poor protection against Spyware

StopZilla! Product Review

While StopZilla is a well-marketed product with a compelling website (and was even mentioned on Jeopardy!), the product itself protects against very few spyware programs.


StopZilla! installed without a hitch directly from their website, even on our heavily infested test PC. After a re-boot, StopZilla! was ready to scan for the first time.

When you first start the program, you'll see a small "toast" window that contains the scan results. StopZilla has only two functions - scan and remove.


Spyware Removal

Scanning was very fast, although upon inspection of the results it was apparent why. The program failed to detect most of the spyware in our Spyware Effectiveness test. While it did detect a few common programs, it missed almost everything on our PC and scored a meager 7% overall.


StopZilla! has no rollback features - if you accidentally delete a necessary system file, there's no way to recover it.

Customer Support

StopZilla appears to offer very thorough customer support. However, we did not test it because of the poor results we saw in our testing.

Other Options

As mentioned above, StopZilla! is very light on features. It does not include a scheduler and so you'll need to regularly run a scan while you're working on your PC.


StopZilla's great marketing can't make up for this dog of a product. We recommend you take a pass.

Purchase Price: $29.99
Free Trial: Yes

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Posted by Rich at February 28, 2005 03:38 PM | TrackBack

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