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Canada is bordered at the 49th parallel by the United States, on the north by the North Pole, on the east by the Atlantic Ocean and on the west by the Pacific Ocean. (9,093,507 square km)
The country's motto, A mari usque ad mare (From sea unto sea) was taken from Psalm 72:8, "He shall have dominion also from sea to sea, and from the river unto the ends of the earth."

Canada is huge, and described in superlative terms; biggest, tallest, deepest, coldest, most beautiful. It has six time zones and about two million lakes, covering nearly 7.6 percent of its landmass.

A member of both the British Commonwealth of Nations and la Francophonie; Canada is a constitutional monarchy and a federal state, with a parliamentary/ democratic system of government. It is divided into ten provinces and three territories.

The capital city is Ottawa, in the province of Ontario.

History In Brief:

After the glaciers retreated, the Big Game Hunting Culture flourished in Canada's plains and eastern woodlands until about 8,000 BC. The mammoth became extinct and the Boreal Archaic peoples populated the land. By 1,000 BC the Early Woodland Culture had developed.

In 1,000 AD Leif Ericson established a settlement called Straumord at L'anse aux Meadows in Newfoundland. European settlement of the continent had begun.

Dates of Note in Canadian History:

  • Alberta
  • Arts and Entertainment
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  • Business and Economy
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  • Guides and Directories
  • Health
  • Localities
  • Manitoba
  • Maps and Views
  • New Brunswick
  • Newfoundland and Labrador
  • News and Media
  • Northwest Territories
  • Nova Scotia
  • Nunavut
  • Ontario
  • Prince Edward Island
  • Quebec
  • Real Estate
  • Recreation and Sports
  • Regions
  • Saskatchewan
  • Science and Environment
  • Shopping
  • Society and Culture
  • Transportation
  • Travel and Tourism
  • Weather
  • Yukon

  • See also:
  • PoliticsMonarchyReigningMonarchiesStatesCommonwealthRealms
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