Google Ranked 7 |
Google Ranked 6 |
Google Ranked 5 |
Google Ranked 4 | Google Ranked 3
| Google Ranged 2 | Google Ranked 1 | Google Ranked 0
Ranking Problems? Post to the message board and see if we/ someone can help. If you have some advise or something to share, please post the message | Looking for your link back? Try Friends of RankShare RankShareBuilding page rank can be a personal struggle and also a way of rewarding your hard website development, but from my experience it does not always mean that much. For example, has been online for about 5 years. The site has thousands of pages, over 30,000 members and some quality information on Essex Clubs. We were found as the number one keyword for Essex Clubs, Essex Bars and if you searched for most of the club names in Essex it was number one. The site still has a Google Page Rank of 6 (27/01/05) but even with the Ranking at its highest, the hits are down. The site still gets over 2000 unique visitors every day, but a lot of the visitors are actually visiting the site directly, not via Google or similar. The reason that the search terms have slipped while the page rank increased does escape me, but there have been some changes over the last few months, some I read in forums that Google does not like, like selling text links via management companies, but these practices are important to ensure some revenue. Google turned down having its AdSense programme on the site as they did not like the link structure of the site, so a bit of a catch 22 situation really. Have a high placed site with no income, or drop the search engine placement, increase the ranking taking part in some link programmes, but earn some money out of the site! Over the last 7 days this has been our unique hits. Many webmasters would be more than happy with that amount of traffic, but we have average over 7000 unique visitors per day in the past.
If we look at referrers by domain we get a pretty normal list. There is still a lot of traffic coming from Google but Yahoo is at its highest with the referring.
About 4 months ago I improved the alternate text tags behind the images and this has reflected massively with the searches. Looking at the list above it is apparent that several thousand visitors are looking for the images. What Rank Share is not is a detailed explanation of the complex ranking system used by Google. There is plenty of online information about this and it is easy to find. A lot of the material is only speculative, but interesting. Learning the linking structure will not guarantee you traffic though! Developing quality content is the only way to generate quality traffic that will stay with you over the years. If you are building a website, before you start, or before you publish visit Google's Webmaster Guidelines.
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