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Internet Marketing Strategy

Phone: 805.493.4450

HTPcompany can help you with Internet marketing strategy, we are an outstanding Internet marketing company, marketing and sales consulting company.  Please phone us to discuss your project requirements.

HTPcompany can help you with Internet marketing strategy, online Internet advertising, marketing. management and sales consulting.

What good is an excellent business or web site if nobody sees it?

We can help increase your revenue.  provides marketing, Internet advertising, search engine optimization and sales consulting for businesses, web site promotion and lead generation. 

For companies trying to improve their online sales results, increase brand awareness, and maximize their Internet marketing investments, selecting the appropriate search engine positioning partner is paramount to achieving your Internet marketing objectives.  Internet marketing service providers are not all the same. 

We offer pay-per-click services, keyword research, rich content development, log file analysis, link popularity strategies, results reporting, etc.  Consequently during your search engine positioning vendor evaluation process, there are many issues to consider.  Please contact us so we may discuss these issues with you.

Most of the major search engines have methods to give the very top positions for competitive keywords (e.g. shopping, money, cars, etc.) only to companies who pay, have excellent content and perform search engine optimization. 

We can build high quality web pages that are optimized to rank well with the search engines and will send 20,000 to 200,000+ visitors to your web sites per year.  These top quality web pages and complete web sites are full of excellent content, written and developed by hand, optimized and take keywords that buyers of your type of products and services would type in at the major search engines (LookSmart, Yahoo, MSN, NBCi, Overture, Excite, Goggle, etc.) and send these potential customers to your web site(s).  These search engines receive over 2.8 billion visitors per year.

We also have special advertising agreements with several of the major search engines.

We have unique software and methods to optimize meta tags, keywords, headings and titles so that we achieve top ten rankings in the search engines.  Furthermore we register these pages on an as needed basis with all the major search engines.  We perform statistical analysis of your web site compared to the top ranking web sites for your selected keywords.

When should you submit your web site?

HTPcompany offers advertising solutions, you can purchase pay per visitor and/or CPM basis.

You could pay a major search engine company anywhere from $0.45 to $5.70 per visitor for targeted search engine traffic, or $320-$550 per page they created.  Banner ads do not generate highly targeted search engine traffic.

We will create highly targeted search engine traffic for a lower cost and host these web pages on our server.  Plus placement of your web site in other pay per click search engines.  This process takes many hours of time to manage.

Frequently Asked Questions

Thank you for your questions.  I will answer some of your questions and concerns below.

Regarding Search Engine Optimization, it is not as simple as you might think.  First I need to choose the keywords.  Choosing the best keywords for your web site is a process that takes many hours of work and research.  If I choose the wrong keywords, all the work that follows is in vain. The rules for top rankings are different for each search engine.  E.g., A web page I create for MSN, needs to be altered to rank high with Excite, Hotbot, Google, MSN, Yahoo, etc.  These search engines receive hundreds of millions of visitors a day.

Click here to learn how search engines work.

Search engines tend to favor pages that are simple, rich in plain text, and easy to index.  I have to create separate pages for one to three keyword phases in order to rank well with different search engines.  I must perform extensive research and develop rich excellent content for each web page and web site.  I then optimize each pages meta tags (only a few search engines currently use meta tags, this could change over time), keywords, headers and title.  Next I need to create new domain names or directories on your or my server.  These web pages are then FTPed to the server.  Then we must program our computers to submit each page to the 20 major search engines on an as needed basis.  About once a week to once per month I need to re-optimize each page depending on how competitive the keywords are.   It takes 70 - 210 minutes to complete this process for each web site page.

I have tried every form of advertising for my web sites and have found that high quality web pages and sites are an excellent and cost effective form of advertising.

We can use your domain name(s) or create new keyword rich domain names for you.  We prefer to host the web sites and web pages on our computers so we may have easy access to make changes to the web sites and web pages so they rank higher with the search engines.  In order to achieve the best results we generally have to go though several change iterations, and weekly or monthly optimization.  Web pages generally rank higher if they have many other web pages and web sites linking to them.

Thank you for your support, we appreciate your business.  Please bookmark this page or make us your home page, and visit us again soon. Please see the other products and services we offer below.

We do have other Business Groups (product lines) in our company.  Each Business Group is managed and maintains a separate staff.  Our Internet Marketing Group provides outstanding results to the other business divisions we own.  We leverage our incredible expertise in search engine positioning and Internet advertising to dramatically increase sales for all product lines and clients.  Would you not purchase a product or service from General Electric because they have too many different and successful products and services?  General Electric is considered one of the best companies in the world and their products range from financial services to washing machines.  Other Internet marketing companies seem to think it is a major problem if you have tremendous success with several product lines.  We just believe it is proof of how great our Internet marketing services really work.

Search engine ranking screen shot from Google

Phone: 805-493-4450         Email Us


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