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King of Fighters
King of Fighters Summary Information The first 'beat em up' on the N-Gage, and what a franchiseto exploit! The fighting engine on the Neo Geo Pocket version would work wonderfully on the N-Gage, so let's hope for a solid conversion. Three on three tag team? Thank you very much!

Publisher: Hudson | Information Last Updated: 24th Feb 2005
Game Status: Announced | Release Date: 2004-12-01

Read David's Review of King of Fighters: Extreme on All About N-Gage.




Nokia Blurb:

King of Fighters EXTREME is a highly anticipated title for obvious reasons. It’s the first ever fighting game designed especially for the N-Gage, bringing you all the beat’em up action of the legendary series. The worldwide phenomena that’s had fighting games fanatics hooked for years is now available in the palm of your hand!

Accept the challenge of the annual King of Fighters tournament, where the world’s most brutal fighter will be crowned. It's all about three-on-three tag team mayhem! When one of your team is down, the next one steps in and keeps going until the opposition is taken out. The story of the game is defined by the team you create, taking you through the legendary environments of eight eclectic levels.

You can also battle your friends in multiplayer mode over the Bluetooth connection. The N-Gage Arena provides additional features, such as worldwide ranking, unlockable levels and special fighting tricks!

King of Fighters: Extreme on

N-Gage Exclusive Features

  • Two player gameplay via Bluetooth

N-Gage Games
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