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telephone: 0800 068 0686
address: AllClear Finance
Harrington Brooks
Nelson House
Park Road
WA14 5BZ
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Call Now for debt consolidation loans, advice
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home owner: yes / no
value of property: £
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Typical Example : £10000 x 60 Months = £208.11/month. Total £12,486.60 APR 9.5% Variable. Written quotations available on request. Other terms and amounts available. Special plans on different terms for clients with CCJ's, arrears, and for the self employed without income proof (fees may apply but only on problem cases - max 10% - no loan, no fee) All loans subject to status in the UK to home owners aged 18 and over and may be secured on property. Your home is at risk if you do not keep up with repayments on a mortgage or other loan secured on it. Loans secured on property. Loans are subject to status.

By submitting this application I/We agree that: You may provide details of this application, if appropriate, to brokers, lending companies or debt management services, you feel best suited to fulfil my/our requirements, and that they may contact me/us for further information as required. A lender may use the information held by credit reference agencies in support of our application and you may hold the information given in this application on computer for as long as it takes to omplete the loan. If you do not agree to these terms please do not submit.

AllClear Finance solutions include: Debt Management uk, Debt Consolidations Loans UK, Bad Credit Loans, Individual Voluntary Arrangement - IVA, Protected Trust Deeds Scotland or even bankruptcy. So consolidate your debt NOW through debt managment or a loan or remortgage we can advise on your best solution. AllClear Management Team.

© AllClear Finance 2003 Terms and Conditions

AllClear Finance is a Trading Name of Harrington Brooks.

Common Misspellings of Debt Consolidation, Debt Management and Bankruptcy Terms:
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