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Hallmark Scrapbook Studio 2


Outstanding Scrapbook Pages: 250 Of the Best Pages and Techniques from the World's #1 Scrapbooking Magazine


Digital Memories: Scrapbooking With Your Computer


Scrapbooking Kit


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scrapbooking tips


If you don't save your memories they may be lost forever!

"Give Me Five Minutes and I'll Have You So Excited About Creating Your Own Scrapbook...You'll Start Immediately!"

Don't let it happen!

Memories are the easiest things to lose. It's so hard to hold on! Don't forget your memories - CELEBRATE THEM!

Maybe you remember the last time your family got together for the holidays. You can remember whose house everyone met up at. But can you tell me what your little nephew was up to all night? Do I have to remind you of what your Aunt did to make everyone burst up with laughter?

Of course these are hypotheticals, but we both know I'm on the right track. No one can remember every single fun detail that life brings us.

Unless we let these memories live on in Scrapbooks!

People have been creating scrapbooks for ages! And they've come a long way. The scrapbooks made by professionals are truly amazing...

...And now you can create scrapbooks with that same professional feel with...

"...101 Scrapbooking Tips!"


Greetings Friend,

Who else wants 101 tips and tricks for creating a professional scrapbook full of memories? Tell me something right now...

...Who do you know that would appreciate a scrapbook made just for them? I bet you could name several people.

A completed scrapbook is one of the most cherished items anyone can have. Honestly, if there's a fire, the first possessions people usually grab are photographs. And definitely a book full of them!

There's no better way to remember a trip then to take it again, page by page. There's no better way to remember a childhood or life, then page by page.

Scrapbooks are captured memories - which make them a powerful thing.

If you're going to put memories in a book, you're going to want to do it in the best way you can. After all, you're going to be sharing this with countless friends and family.

If you've ever had a chance to see a professionally made scrapbook, then you've probably said to yourself, "THAT'S what I want to make."

Well now you can, because in "101 Scrapbooking Tips," you'll find...

"...Secrets of Creating Scrapbooks Like the Pros!"

A professionally made scrapbook can be expensive. But VERY nice. When you have been working with scrapbooks for a long time, you gain experience and pick up lots of tips and tricks on the way.

You do not have to become a professional scrapbook maker in order to learn what they know! "101 Scrapbook Tips" is over 100 pages full of tips and tricks from people who've done all the research for you. But now YOU get to take advantage.

"Are You Ready to Start Capturing and Storing Your Memories?"

With "101 Scrapbooking Tips," you'll learn that using old glue/pasting technique are just that... old! If you want to stay clear of those bubbles seeping up from under the paper, you need to update to the techniques the professionals use.

Countless tips, tricks, and ideas fill over 100 pages in a report that's bound to keep you and your loved ones busy for as long as you wish.

"Can you think of a better family project than a scrapbook?"

It's fun for the whole family. Take photos from your last family vacation. Split up pages evenly - and then just let everyone bring their own personality to the project.

And here's a good tip: Have everyone make a page dedicated to someone else in the family! An instant family classic!

With "101 Scrapbooking Tips," we'll give you enough ideas to fill 20 family heirlooms! Just TRY and use them all - it'd be nearly impossible!

"Think of That Someone Special That You'd Love To Surprise With A Scrapbook of Shared Memories!"

What better way to relive past memories... then page by page, memory by memory?

When you haven't seen someone in a long time, it can be nice to let him or her know that you haven't forgotten them. That you still cherish the times that you've had together in the past. And that you're looking forward to the times that are yet to come.

Or maybe a good friend's birthday is coming up, and the perfect present only can be time spent making the best scrapbook possible.

There's no better way to show you care.

Reading "101 Scrapbook Tips" today will show you how to start crafting scrapbooks like a professional tomorrow. Hours upon hours of research and experience have been brought together to help friends and family share their memories in the best way possible.

If you've ever seen a professional looking scrapbook, you know what I mean.

Just click on "Next" below and start reading our 101 Tips online Now - FREE! Or simply choose one of the keywords below to go to the chapter you are interested in!



Start Reading our FREE Scrapbooking Online Book from the beginning: click here 
or choose a chapter you are interested in from the catalog below:

101 Scrapbooking Tips Intro | What  you need to start scrapbooking | start scrapbooking | scarpbook themses| find a title for your scrapbook | color coordination | scrapbooks and photographs | cutting and cropping | scrapbook order | scrapbooks and text | scrapbook tags | embellishments | patterning | spacing | mounting | getting rid of messes and mistakes | preservation | making copies | newspaper clippings, graphics and clipart | Kid's Art, Weaving Photographs | collage, photograph mosaics, markers | wax pencils, stickers rubber stamping | faux wax seals, tearing, fraying, curled edges, antique lookleather look, accents, punching | colored paper vellum, shadow boxes | patterned paper, textured paper, book jacket backgrounds, adding dimension | ribbons and lace, embroidery cottons, hemp, puzzle pieces, sequins, rhine stones  | feathers, dried flowers, natural objects, popcorn garlands, fur, glitterwax resist, acrylic paint, liquid applique, fabric | kool aid dye, pockets, eyelets, pop up windows hinges, moldable foam, buttons, charms | homemade paper, homemade paper embellishments, other types of paperwoven backgrounds  | wood backgrounds, magnetic sheets, scrap backgrounds, shrink paper smudging |  tinting, crystal lacquer, drybrushing | embossing, scrap metal, beading | quilling embroidery, painted tissue paper, faux painting, faux chalk | designs faux metal designs, faux metal rusting, frosting charms, faux typewriter keys | faux abc beads, magnifying marbles, wax paper ink dye, embossed foil | silver and gold accents, tarnishing and untarnishing copper | fabric flowers,traditional hawaiian lei borders | hawaiian beaded lei borders, hawaiian shell lei borders, polymer molds, hand prints, stained glass mosaic  


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