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For a clean, alive, accessible Boston Harbor!
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The Boston Harbor Association (TBHA) is a non-profit, public interest organization founded in 1973 by the League of Women Voters and the Boston Shipping Association to promote a clean, alive and accessible Boston Harbor. TBHA brings together diverse interests -- harbor users, environmentalists, developers, waterfront businesses, and decision makers -- to develop balanced solutions for maritime industrial activities, commercial development, environmental protection, and public access around Boston Harbor.

TBHA cares about Boston Harbor as New England's maritime port, as a recreational and tourist asset, and as the centerpiece of the area's natural and urban environment. TBHA advocates for greater public access and open space along Boston Harbor, promotes the Port of Boston's economy, educates urban youths about Boston Harbor and related career opportunities through our Harbor Bound program, promotes affordable public water transportation throughout the Harbor, monitors water quality improvements, and works for the restoration of Boston Harbor Beaches.

TBHA members enjoy:

  • A free subscription to Harbor News, our quarterly newsletter, filled with information about what is happening in and around Boston Harbor. Learn about the latest in public access, water transportation, waterfront development, beaches and water quality improvements as well as updates on TBHA programs, events, and TBHA Board news.
  • Regularly updated information about Boston Harbor activities and issues via the Internet.
  • Notices for all TBHA events such as boat tours, waterfront walking tours, luncheons, lecture series, the annual Harbor Auction, and our annual meeting. Many events are free to members.
  • Opportunities to participate in volunteer projects such as beach cleanups.
  • Use of the TBHA Resource Library (see description on resources page)..
  • Special Boston Harbor Updates.
  • The knowledge that their contribution to The Boston Harbor Association is helping to make Boston Harbor clean, alive and accessible!

> How to Join The Boston Harbor Association

> Volunteer with the Boston Harbor Association

> Trustees & Staff of the Boston Harbor Association

TBHA Trustees and Staff

Become a Member

Volunteer Opportunities
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Find out more about TBHA's unique learning experiences and education opportunities.

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Learn simple ways that you can help keep Boston Harbor clean and healthy.

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Visit the TBHA Digital Photo Library
Created in 2003, this digitized library offers a unique opportunity to learn more about Boston Harbor...

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The Boston Harbor Association   -   374 Congress Street, Suite 609   -   Boston, MA 02210   -   617-482-1722 (P)   -   617-482-9750 (F)   -