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For a clean, alive, accessible Boston Harbor!
TBHA Home > Events additional resources
Boston Harbor is a vibrant, attractive destination throughout the year. In addition to the wide range of activities and events organized by The Boston Harbor Association (TBHA), a number of other organizations host activities for the general public.

Since the events of 11 September, some activities, trips, and access may be limited or altered due to new security measures. Before planning an activity, please call ahead to re-confirm the information included here.

For more information about upcoming
TBHA events click here.

Check out our Best of Boston page for ongoing cruises,
exhibits, displays and shows.

Membership Information

Volunteer Information

Harbor Fun
Find out how much you really know about Boston Harbor!

> Take the Harbor Quiz

> Harbor Word Search

> Harbor Decoding Game

learn more
Find out more about TBHA's unique learning experiences and education opportunities.

> Learn More

Learn simple ways that you can help keep Boston Harbor clean and healthy.

> Learn More

The Boston Harbor Association   -   374 Congress Street, Suite 609   -   Boston, MA 02210   -   617-482-1722 (P)   -   617-482-9750 (F)   -