Welcome to the Find the Fish Banner
Exchange. This is an absolutely free banner
exchange for the fishing community. Only fishing related sites are
allowed to join this exchange. That means that visitors on your
site will only see banners that are directly related to the fishing
Once your banner has been approved, your ads will
start appearing on other fishing related sites on the Internet.
The exchange rate is 2 to 1. This means that for every 2 ads that
appear on your site, 1 of your ads will appear on another member's
fishing site.
Please be sure to visit Find the Fish at
http://findthefish.com for more
marketing information and tips for your fishing business or web site.
There are free listings for fishing charters and guides, free web sites,
web hosting (as low as $8.33 per month), and many other resources.
Want more exposure for your Web Site? You can join the Top 100
Find the Fish Web Sites to add more visitors to your site.