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  Forum # Posts Last Comment
Step One
  Rules and Plot!
Please read this before you join!
This forum contains IMPORTANT information about the plot, rules and staff!
97/21/04 1:41 pm
  Want to Join?
Moderator: Frodo of Bag End 
The application for a character is inside this forum. Fill it out, wait to be apporved and then start posting.
  • Available Characters
  • 92/27/05 3:28 pm
      Contact Info for Members
    Once you are accepted, please post your e-mail address and your AIM address here. This is just a way for us to contact you if needed.
    312/9/04 4:25 pm
      Request a Custom Title
    If you want a custom title, here is the place to ask for one. An admin will make it for you as soon as posssible.
    012/9/04 4:26 pm
      Member Help Files
    If you are unsure about something in Tolkien's world, please check here to see if there's an answer for you.
    You are also welcome to request and submit help files, just PM emhak or Cirdan.
    54/4/04 4:02 am
      OOC Chat
    Random stuff, polls, and general chat all go right in here. Please don't put questions in here!
    122/20/05 6:07 pm
      Questions and Suggestions
    Have a question about the way something works? Or do you have an idea to help the board? Either way, post it in here and we'll take a look at it.
    951/7/05 8:28 pm
      Tales and Quests
    Come here to read about the plot so far, and to sign up for new quests, or to suggest one of your own!
    012/9/04 4:21 pm
      The Tomb of Secrets
    For all those who wish to shw off their writing or art work, this forum exists. Post your creation here, so others may come to enjoy your work.
    012/9/04 4:21 pm
    Come and laugh! Tolkein LoTR parody!
    10312/9/04 4:21 pm
      Ack! It's Broken!
    If something RELATED to One Ring RPG isn't working, or if it is working, but there's something wrong with it, post the problem in here. Try to include as much info as you can, and Cirdan will fix it...
    012/9/04 4:20 pm
    If you are going to be absent from the board for more than a week or two, post in here to tell us.
    012/9/04 4:20 pm
      Unknown Lands
    An advertising forum to help promote boards that other members RP at. If you want to affiliate with One Ring RPG, find out more here. ezBoards only!
    2364/3/05 4:34 pm
      Become A Mod
    If you think this board can benefit from your skills as a mod, post in here your request and the admins shall decide. Please be pacient as the admins are busy and won't be able to get around to viewing your application immediatly.
    3412/9/04 4:21 pm
      The White Council
    Moderators: Frodo of Bag End 
    Where mods and admins can go to discuss the board.
    09/29/04 4:52 pm
    Jobs and Shops
      Weapons and Armour
    Herein are the weapons and armour that thee, the warriors of this Middle-Earth, have crafted with thy hands and with thy hearts, and these are the tools that shall be availible to thee.
    66/30/04 12:24 pm
      Checkout Counter
    Decided what you want? Want to finalize it for your character? Post here, but make sure you follow the format! Thanks!
    012/9/04 4:21 pm
    The Stables
      The Stables
    If you wish to buy a steed, do so here.
    5612/9/04 4:21 pm
      The Stalls
    If you wish to earn gold while working with horses, do so here.
    5712/9/04 4:21 pm
      Hobbit Members
    Moderator: Frodo of Bag End 
    The accepted applications and stats of all hobbit characters are located here.
    1512/9/04 4:21 pm
    Moderator: Frodo of Bag End 
    Shire is the most populous country of the Hobbits in the north of Middle-earth. It was founded in the middle of the Third Age by the Bree-hobbits Marcho and Blanco, and gifted to them and their followers by King Argeleb II of Arthedain, within whose borders the land lay at that time.
    012/9/04 4:21 pm
    Moderator: Frodo of Bag End 
    The large town in the central regions of the Shire, within the borders of the Westfarthing. The town was overlooked by Hobbiton Hill (usually called simply 'The Hill'), in which was Bag End, the ancestral smial of the Baggins family.
    6412/9/04 4:21 pm
      Old Forest
    Moderator: Frodo of Bag End 
    A remnant of the great forests of Middle-earth in the Second Age; most of these forests were felled by the Númenóreans, but two isolated woodlands remained. The Old Forest was the northern of these two (the other being Fangorn in the south), on the eastern borders of the Shire.
    012/9/04 4:21 pm
      The Brandywine Bridge
    Moderator: Frodo of Bag End 
    The bridge on the East Road crossing the River Brandywine; it marked the eastern border of the Shire. Originally called the Bridge of Stonebows.
    012/9/04 4:22 pm
    Moderator: Frodo of Bag End 
    Seven hundred and forty years after the founding of the Shire, Gorhendad Oldbuck crossed the River Brandywine from the Eastfarthing and started the building of Brandy Hall in Buck Hill, in a land hitherto unpopulated by hobbits. As Gorhendad's family grew, the Hall also expanded, and soon there was a flourishing community in the land between the River and the Old Forest. From that time, Buckland was ruled by the Brandybucks, as Gorhendad renamed his family, who were given the title 'Masters of Buckland'.
    012/9/04 4:22 pm
      Elven Members
    The accepted applications and stats of all elf characters are located here.
    1512/9/04 4:22 pm
    One of the last strongholds of the Elves, Lorien is a place of beauty and mystery. Galadriel and Celeborn are King and Queen of this fair realm.
    32112/9/04 4:22 pm
      North Mirkwood
    A name of Greenwood the Great, the mighty forest that lay in the lands east of the River Anduin. The name 'Mirkwood' was used of this forest after Sauron, in his guise as the Necromancer, took up his abode at Dol Guldur in its southern regions.
    23712/9/04 4:22 pm
      Grey Havens
    The harbors of Círdan at the eastern end of the Gulf of Lhûn, from which the Elves of the north of Middle-earth passed into the West during the later Ages.
    012/9/04 4:22 pm
      Human Members
    The accepted applications and stats of all human characters are located here.
    1512/9/04 4:22 pm
    An ancient colony in Eriador shared by Hobbits and Men. A highlight of this small realm is the Prancing Pony, one of the largest Pubs and Inns in Bree.
    012/9/04 4:23 pm
    The chief city of Rohan and the seat of its Kings, under the northern feet of the White Mountains.
    012/9/04 4:23 pm
      Helms Deep
    The great coomb, and the caverns behind it, that lay in the northern valleys of the White Mountains. Helm, King of Rohan, took refuge here with his people in the time of the invasion of Rohan by the Dunlendings.
    012/9/04 4:23 pm
      Minas Tirith
    The seven-tiered citadel of the Kings of Gondor, originally named Minas Anor. After the destruction of Osgiliath, Minas Tirith became the seat of power in the South-kingdom.
    13612/9/04 4:23 pm
    The lands of Gondor east of the River Anduin, on the borders of Mordor. With the capture of Minas Ithil, and the return of the Nazgûl to the Black Land, Ithilien became a deserted country.
    012/9/04 4:23 pm
      Dol Amroth
    In the fife of the Belfallas in the southern tip of Gondor. This land is home to the great Knights of Dol Amroth and their prince. It’s castle overlooks the southern sea.
    1812/9/04 4:23 pm
    A large island that stood beyond the Ethir Anduin in the Bay of Belfalas. Recently captured by Khazamir of Umbar, and rumored to be a staging point for an invasion of Gondor.
    1012/9/04 4:23 pm
    The sister haven to Umbar, Pelargir has a history of civil war and strife, much like the City of the Corsairs. Known as the Haven of the Kings of Gondor, Pelargir is considered the the greatest and most ancient of human cities in Middle Earth. The mighty Númenórean citadel lies on a triangular isle where the rivers Sirith and Anduin meet.
    3512/9/04 4:23 pm
      Dwarf Members
    The accepted applications and stats of all dwarf characters are located here.
    012/9/04 4:23 pm
    Once one of the greatest Dwarven Citadels and home to the Great Hall of Darrowdelf, now an orc filled place full of misery and mystery. Rumors say that a great shadow lurks here, brought forth by the eager mining of previously living Dwarves.
    7512/9/04 4:23 pm
      Erebor (The Lonely Mountain)
    The Lonely Mountain, Location of the Battle of Five Armies. The Dwarves were driven out of here by Smaug the Golden, but as Smaug lay dead among the waves of Esgaroth, the Dwarves have since come back and continued the mining of this Glorious City.
    012/9/04 4:23 pm
      Iron Hills
    A Dwarven colony that has been preserved and maintains still, many survivors of Smaug's desolation came here and its people also assisted the Fellowship and Thorin Oakenshield in the Battle of Five Armies.
    2712/9/04 4:23 pm
      Wizard Members
    The accepted applications and stats of all wizard characters are located here.
    812/9/04 4:23 pm
    A Gondorian fortification at the southern end of the Misty Mountains, at the source of the River Isen. It was granted to the Wizard Saruman by Steward Beren of Gondor.
    012/9/04 4:23 pm
      Orthanc Tower
    The mighty tower of unbreakable stone built by the Men of Gondor in the beginning of their realm, set in the Ring of Isengard at the southern feet of the Misty Mountains. It was latterly held by Saruman.
    012/9/04 4:24 pm
      Magic Skills
    The archive of skills and magics that a Wizard can learn.
    2812/9/04 4:24 pm
    Evil Servants
      Evil Servant Members
    The accepted applications and stats of all evil characters are located here.
    012/9/04 4:24 pm
      Nazgul Members
    The Nazgul, the nine Men corrupted by the power of Sauron's Nine Rings, and transformed into his dark and deathless servants, are listed here.
    912/9/04 4:24 pm
    These barren lands were claimed by the Nazgul in the name of Sauron who now resides in the shadowy depths of the land. To the north lay the fetid swamplands known as the dead marshes.
    14112/9/04 4:24 pm
    The mighty shadow-shrouded stronghold and tower of Sauron the Dark Lord and many of his servants.
    012/9/04 4:24 pm
      Dol Guldur
    The stronghold of Sauron in the southern regions of Mirkwood, where he dwelt in secret as the Necromancer, until discovered by the Wise. When they assaulted him, he withdrew to Mordor, but the Nazgûl soon returned to reclaim Dol Guldur.
    1012/9/04 4:24 pm
      Minas Ogrim (Rivendell)
    Taken over by Saruman, it is now under command of Phesto, with over 3,000 troops residing in its walls.
    712/9/04 4:24 pm
    A natural harbourage far to the south of the Bay of Belfalas. It was used by the Númenóreans during the Second Age, and it was here that Sauron surrendered himself to Ar-Pharazôn. Its history during the Third Age was turbulent; it eventually fell under the power of the Corsairs, enemies of Gondor, who continued to rule at the time of the War of the Ring.
    1112/9/04 4:24 pm
      Minas Gaerlin
    The Tower of Seaward is the last of the Corsair Towers. While other Towers may possess Corsair Fleets, they do next to nothing in order to maintain the main cause of their existence: Raiding. They are the last of the Corsairs. They are the true Black Numenorians. The tower is ruled by Lord Khazamir the Black, an alias of Gaynor the Damned.
    012/9/04 4:24 pm
    The domain of the Easterlings, Men of Darkness who were ready to follow both the Dark Lords and fought as their allies in war. These lands, too, were peopled by lost Elves, Avari and Úmanyar, and by four of the seven clans of the Dwarves.
    *Alternate Board*
    01/25/04 10:40 pm
    The realm of the Witch-king (the Lord of the Nazgûl) in the far north of the Misty Mountains; Angmar made war unceasingly with Arthedain and its allies, and eventually destroyed them, but was itself destroyed by an army of Gondor. But now ithas been rebuilt, as another stronghold of the Nazgul.
    1112/9/04 4:24 pm
    Osgiliath is overrun; the Enemy of Mordor has taken the city by force. Now orcs patrol the streets, and prepare for the day in which they shall attack the city of Minas Tirith. It is only a matter of time...
    012/9/04 4:25 pm
    An icy region in the far north of Middle-earth, named for the hardy people who had once dwelt there. By the Third Age, little was left of the men of Forodwaith. Their last remnant were a people known as the Lossoth, living around the shores of the Icebay of Forochel. They did leave one great memorial, though: the wastes of northern Middle-earth retained the name of the Forodwaith who had lived there.
    1112/9/04 4:25 pm
      Ent Members
    The accepted applications and stats of all ent characters are located here.
    312/9/04 4:25 pm
      Fangorn Forest
    A last remnant of the great forests of Eriador, lying in the southern foothills of the Misty Mountains, in which the Ents still dwelt during the Third Age.
    012/9/04 4:25 pm
      Eagle Members
    The accepted applications and stats of all eagle characters are located here.
    012/9/04 4:25 pm
      Mount Mindolluin
    The prominent easternmost peak of the White Mountains, beneath which the citadel of Minas Tirith was built.
    012/9/04 4:25 pm
      Mount Celebdil
    Called the Silvertine, one of the three peaks in the Misty Mountains (with Caradhras and Fanuidhol) that lay above the ancient dwarf-city of Khazad-dûm.
    012/9/04 4:25 pm
      Endless Cycle
    This is a Role Playing forum for the serious minded, especially for those stories which include objectionable content... :) *Password Protected*
    513/24/04 9:11 pm
    If you want to join an army, post here. A mod/admin/general will PM you with the password to the forum.
    012/9/04 4:25 pm
      Armies of the Elves
    Come here to plan battles either at the homefront or abroad! Also here you may find applications, news, discussions, movements and information on ranks and salaries. Remember, this is an OOC forum!
    507/8/04 10:50 am
      Army of Gondor
    Come here to plan battles either at the homefront or abroad! Also here you may find applications, news, discussions, movements and information on ranks and salaries. Remember, this is an OOC forum!
    398/19/04 6:19 pm
      Army of Rohan
    Come here to plan battles either at the homefront or abroad! Also here you may find applications, news, discussions, movements and information on ranks and salaries. Remember, this is an OOC forum!
    223/8/04 3:43 pm
      The Corsairs of Umbar
    Come here to plan battles either at the homefront or abroad! Also here you may find applications, news, discussions, movements and information on ranks and salaries. Remember, this is an OOC forum! ... w00t!
    38/1/04 10:18 pm
      Army of Mordor
    Come here to plan battles either at the homefront or abroad! Also here you may find applications, news, discussions, movements and information on ranks and salaries. Remember, this is an OOC forum!
    2207/30/04 1:17 pm
      Armies of the Dwarves
    Come here to plan battles either at the homefront or abroad! Also here you may find applications, news, discussions, movements and information on ranks and salaries. Remember, this is an OOC forum!
    108/29/04 3:33 pm
      The Ithryn Erathad
    Come here to plan the movements of the Order of the Nine; the Ithryn Erathad. Remember, this is an OOC forum!
    1516/10/04 7:39 pm
      Army Archive
    Within you can find the stats for all of the armies of Middle-Earth, including applications and information on ranks and salaries.
    5112/20/05 6:16 pm
    BotM Contest
    Nominate a board for the August Board of the Month contest, here on tOR. Please follow the brief application inside. Thanks!
    08/1/04 12:16 am
      Board of the Month Contest
    Come in here to vote for your favorites! IPs will be watched closely, so don't try posting with multiple accounts. The contest will be done in rounds, two boards going against each other at a time.
    012/9/04 4:25 pm
      Sigs, Pics, Etc.
    If you want to test a sig, an avatar or a custom title, this is the place to do that.
    510/16/04 7:04 am
      IC Archives
    Where all closed IC topics go.
    40152/20/05 6:44 pm
      OOC Archives
    Where all closed OOC topics go.
    131332/20/05 6:47 pm
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    Founded: June 16, 2003
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