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Jim Shead Waterways Photographer & Writer
Text and photographs copyright of Jim Shead.
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Jim Shead's

Waterways Information

An encyclopedia of the canals and rivers of England and Wales, including historical data, provided by Jim Shead, Waterways Writer and Photographer

I am also webmaster for the following waterways sites
The Bedford & Milton Keynes Waterway Trust
IWA Peterborough Branch
The Association of Nene River Clubs

For non-waterway travel photographs see

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Books, videos, DVDs and links to other canal shopping sites.

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If you are a newcomer to the subject, or this web site, you may want to start with my Introduction pages. These give an introduction to the UK Waterways System, its history and to inland boating on canal or river.

For details of the rivers and canals, plus tables of distances for individual navigable waterways, see the Waterways Information Index that lists over 400 waterways contained in 76 web pages. An alternative route to information on individual waterways is through the Inland Waterways Map of England and Wales covering over 100 rivers and canals in England and Wales with full links to individual information on each navigation. Once you have arrived at an individual waterway page you will find links to all the connecting waterways so that you can follow a planned route through the system, or just wander as the fancy takes you.

There are links from each waterway to the appropriate pages of Priestley's Navigable Rivers & Canals. All 703 pages of this 1831 classic book plus index and preface can be found on the History pages, which also have details of Enginners & Surveyors (by waterway and by name) as well as a large Canal and River Chronology.

I also have a bibliography of over 700 waterways books which have come to my notice over the years. This is a new and out of print list of books relating to UK canals and navigable rivers Now there are also pages to help you buy waterways books from several diferent sources. For full details of the range of book pages available see Books, Please Note I am not offering any books for sale myself but I do provide links to book suppliers.

Did you know that there are over 50 videos listed on my Video pages. If you want to buy any of these there is a link to the IWA shop which stocks all the videos listed, or there are links to other video outlets.

For those wanting more information on the craft of the inland waterways my Boats Pages have details of many types of boat used on the canals and rivers from ancient times to the present day.

If you are looking for Waterways Photographs I have 468 pictures of rivers and canals. These can be viewed either as a Picture index with frames , or in the Gallery. , however, if your web browser does not support frames you can use the Picture index without frames.

At present my Waterways Features pages contain Aqueducts, a list of various aqueducts to be found on our canals, Tunnels, two lists covering the navigable and un-navigable canal tunnels, Lock Flights, a list of flights in order of size, the Seven Wonders of the Waterways, descriptions and photographs of each of these engineering wonders and My Holidays on Inland Waterways The Web edition of this book by P Bonthron, with full text and photographs. First published in 1916. The Waterways Chronology of events in year order, and Cruise Logs, of our voyages from 1994 to the present can also be found in the Features Section.

The Waterways Glossary contains over 400 terms relating to navigable rivers, canals and the craft that plied them. The glossary is split into the following sections A-D , E-L , M-R , S-Z in alphabetical order of the terms.

My latest published article is More than a Mooring - Fox Narrowboats - The seventeenth of a regular series of articles on marinas and boatyards. First published in Waterways World March 2005. . There is also a list of articles that includes the 116 articles previously published in Waterways World and Canal & Riverboat

To help you find even more sites try the 925 Links to other sites. My Personal and Professional details can be viewed and you can get in touch with me by accessing my Contacts Page .


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Jim Shead Waterways Photographer & Writer
Text and photographs copyright of Jim Shead.
Home Introduction Waterways List Waterways Map Links Books DVD
Articles Boats Photo Gallery Photo List Features Contact
Glossary A - D Glossary E - L Glossary  M - R Glossary  S - Z History Help
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