The Wayback Machine -
Jim Shead Waterways Photographer & Writer
Text and photographs copyright of Jim Shead.
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An introduction to the waterways

Canals and Rivers today

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Introductory Pages

Introducing the Waterways System A description of UK canals and navigable rivers as they are today.

Introducing Canal Boating How to choose a boat, navigation basics, working locks.

Introducing Route Planning Which waterway, Canal Rings, making a timetable

Introducing Canal History A short account of UK navigations from Roman Britain to the years of Canal Mania.

None of the above Sorry you have not found what you want. Try another category.

Canals and Rivers today

Individual Waterways List A list of all the waterways that are, or were, navigable in alphabetical order. From this list you can click on the individual river or canal you are interested in. This will lead you to a page containing various types of information about the waterway.

Map of the waterways system This map shows all the canals and navigable rivers for most of the country. It excludes Scotland and some other waterways outside the boundary of the map, for example the Broads and the canals of Devon and Cornwall, for these please use the waterways list to find the individual navigation you want.

Planning a voyage Deciding where to go, whats it like, how long does it take.

Waterway Structures Locks, tunnels, aqueducts, boat lifts, the Seven Wonders of the Waterways.

Getting Afloat Some points to consider when buying a boat.

Waterway Terms If you have been baffled by some waterway related word try the Glossary of terms.

Cruising Articles The site contains dozens of articles (with photographs) on waterway trips that Beryl and I have made.

Photographs There are various photographs on the site most of which I have taken myself.

Types of boat This section includes both ancient and modern inland craft.

Inland Waterways Books A list of books and links to book sellers, of new and secondhand books. Note I do not sell anything myself.

Waterways Videos Lists of videos available some of which are also available as DVD. Note I do not sell anything myself.

None of the above Sorry you have not found what you want. It may be that it is not on the site but you could try another category.

Waterways History

Individual Waterways List A list of all the waterways that are, or were, navigable in alphabetical order. From this list you can click on the individual river or canal you are interested in. This will lead you to a page containing various types of information about the waterway.

Map of the waterways system This map shows all the existing canals and navigable rivers for most of the country. It excludes Scotland and some other waterways outside the boundary of the map, for example the Broads and the canals of Devon and Cornwall, for these please use the waterways list to find the individual navigation you want. You will also find that the map does not cover many abandoned canals and river navigations please use the waterways list for these too.

Waterways Chronology Waterway Events in year order.

Waterway Structures Locks, tunnels, aqueducts, boat lifts, the Seven Wonders of the Waterways.

Waterway Terms If you have been baffled by some waterway related word try the Glossary of terms.

Historic Cruises Some articles on trips in the 1960s and the whole of P Bontheron's book published in 1916.

Engineers and surveyors These are now covered in a separate index and in the Chronology and under individual waterways.

Types of boat This section includes both ancient and modern inland craft.

Family History Trying to trace an ancestor with a canal or river connection.

Inland Waterways Books A list of books and links to book sellers, of new and secondhand books. Note I do not sell anything myself.

Waterways Videos Lists of videos available some of which are also available as DVD. Note I do not sell anything myself.

None of the above Sorry you have not found what you want. It may be that it is not on the site but you could try another category.

Boating Holidays

Introducing the Waterways System A description of UK canals and navigable rivers as they are today.

Introducing Canal Boating How to choose a boat, navigation basics, working locks.

Introducing Route Planning Which waterway, Canal Rings, making a timetable

Individual Waterways List A list of all the waterways that are, or were, navigable in alphabetical order. From this list you can click on the individual river or canal you are interested in. This will lead you to a page containing various types of information about the waterway.

Map of the waterways system This map shows all the existing canals and navigable rivers for most of the country. It excludes Scotland and some other waterways outside the boundary of the map, for example the Broads and the canals of Devon and Cornwall, for these please use the waterways list to find the individual navigation you want. You will also find that the map does not cover many abandoned canals and river navigations please use the waterways list for these too.

Holiday Links Links to companies offering self drive hire boat and hotel boat holidays.

Types of boat Examples of the types of pleasure boat available on UK inland waterways.

Safe and Friendly Cruising Some thoughts on boating etiquette for the experienced and less experienced boater or things you knew you needed to know about boating but were afraid to ask.

Cruising Articles The site contains dozens of articles (with photographs) on waterway trips that Beryl and I have made.

Historic Cruises Some articles on trips in the 1960s and the whole of P Bontheron's book published in 1916.

None of the above Sorry you have not found what you want. It may be that it is not on the site but you could try another category.

Waterways Products and services

Inland Waterways Books A list of books and links to book sellers, of new and secondhand books. Note I do not sell anything myself.

Waterways Videos Lists of videos available some of which are also available as DVD. Note I do not sell anything myself.

Links to Commercial Sites The Links pages have classifications that should help you to find the product or service provider you require. Note I do not sell anything or provide any services myself, other than waterways writing and photography services.

Holiday Links Links to companies offering self drive hire boat and hotel boat holidays.

None of the above Sorry you have not found what you want. As I do not sell anything myself what you are looking for is probably not on the site but you could try another category.

What is on this site

Home Page This contains a general overview of what is on the site with links to all the sections of the site. It also contains a site search facility so that you can look for an individual word or words within the site.

Introduction An introduction to the contents of the site and navigating the site.

Individual Waterways List A list of all the waterways that are, or were, navigable in alphabetical order. From this list you can click on the individual river or canal you are interested in. This will lead you to a page containing various types of information about the waterway.

Map of the waterways system This map shows all the existing canals and navigable rivers for most of the country. It excludes Scotland and some other waterways outside the boundary of the map, for example the Broads and the canals of Devon and Cornwall, for these please use the waterways list to find the individual navigation you want.

Waterways Chronology Waterway Events in year order.

Waterway Structures Locks, tunnels, aqueducts, boat lifts, the Seven Wonders of the Waterways.

Waterway Terms If you have been baffled by some waterway related word try the Glossary of terms.

Cruising Articles The site contains dozens of articles (with photographs) on waterway trips that Beryl and I have made.

Photographs There are various photographs on the site most of which I have taken myself.

Types of boat This section includes both ancient and modern inland craft.

Inland Waterways Books A list of books and links to book sellers, of new and secondhand books. Note I do not sell anything myself.

Waterways Videos Lists of videos available some of which are also available as DVD. Note I do not sell anything myself.

Links to Waterway Sites The Links pages have classifications that should help you to find the site you require. Personal, societies, clubs, commercial and other organisations are included.

Search this Site If you are looking for a particular name, word or series of words you can use the site search facility.

Contact me If you want to contact me via e-mail or my Guest Book.

Links to other waterways web sites

Individual Waterways List If you are looking for links relating to a particular waterway you can click on the individual river or canal you are interested in. This will lead you to a page containing links the waterway.

Map of the waterways system If you are looking for links relating to a particular waterway this map is an alternative way of finding links. You can click on the individual river or canal you are interested in, Which will lead you to a page containing links the waterway. The map shows all the existing canals and navigable rivers for most of the country but it excludes Scotland and some other waterways outside the boundary of the map, for example the Broads and the canals of Devon and Cornwall, for these please use the waterways list to find the individual navigation you want.

Links to Waterway Sites The Links pages have classifications that should help you to find the site you require. Personal, societies, clubs, commercial and other organisations are included.

Contact me If you know of an inland waterways web site not on my lists please contact me via e-mail.

Planning a voyage

Introducing Route Planning Which waterway, Canal Rings, making a timetable

Individual Waterways List On this you can click on the individual river or canal you are interested in. This will lead you to a page containing information on the waterway and a table of locks and distances. At points where a waterway makes a junction with another navigation there is a link to that point in the other wateray's table of distances.

Map of the waterways system You can also find individual waterways pages by using the map.

Cruising Articles The site contains dozens of articles (with photographs) on waterway trips that Beryl and I have made.

Cruising Times These pages give some actual cruising times based on voyages Beryl and I have made in our 57 foot narrowboat the Lorna-Ann. The figures are given by individual waterway and reflect the time we took on an actual voyage or, more often, a whole series of voyages.

Cruise Logs Since 1994 Beryl and I have spent each summer on board the narrowboat Lorna-Ann and have cruised thousands of miles of rivers and canals from Surrey in the South to Yorkshire in the North. These logs give a brief record of each days travel.

Waterway Structures

Seven Wonders of the Waterways These seven wonders of the waterways are as listed by Robert Aickman (the co-founder of the Inland Waterways Association in 1946) in his book Know Your Waterways.

Lock Flights A list of navigable Lock Flights. This is not intended to be an exhaustive list as many small flights have been excluded.

Canal Aqueducts a list of aqueducts both navigable and un-navigable. This is not intended to be an exhaustive list as many small aqueducts have been excluded.

Canal Tunnels Two lists of Tunnels split between navigable and un-navigable.

Introducing Canal Boating Includes advice on working locks.

Staircase Locks A look at staircase locks. First published in Waterways World May 1998.

River Thames Lock Sizes Individual lock sizes for each Thames lock. For sizes of locks on other waterways please see the individual waterway page. Individual Waterway pages can be found from the Waterways list or from the Map.

Glossary of Waterway Terms

Glossary from A to D Glossary words from Abaft to Dydle.

Glossary from E to L Glossary words from Eau to Loodel.

Glossary from M to R Glossary words from Maffers to Running blocks.

Glossary from S to Z Glossary words from Scend to Wooser (although Z is the nominal end of the glossary there are at present no terms or words beyond W.

Cruising Articles

Individual Waterways List On this you can click on the individual river or canal you are interested in. This will lead you to a page containing links to any articles on the waterway that may be on the site.

Map of the waterways system You can also find individual waterways pages by using the map.

List of Articles A list of articles, with photographs, that have been published in waterways magazines. Most of these articles are cruising articles the main exception being the series Clicking on Canals.

Historic Cruises Some articles on trips in the 1960s and the whole of P Bontheron's book published in 1916.


Individual Waterways List On this you can click on the individual river or canal you are interested in. This will lead you to a page containing links to any photographs on the waterway that may be on the site.

Map of the waterways system You can also find individual waterways pages by using the map.

Gallery Pages Index The photographs are arranged in alphabetical order of waterway name, or county name in some cases. This is the top level page leading to galleries of thumbnail pictures and captions. Click on the captions for full size photographs.

Photograph List with frames A alternative way of accessing the picures is through this page which has a photo list frame on the left and a frame for displaying the selected photograph on the right.

My Holidays on Inland Waterways This book by P Bonthron was first published in 1916 with 74 photographs. This link is to the List of Illustrations.

Bantam Tug Pages These pages contain some of my photos that you can find in the Gallery pages but also have photographs of Bantam Tugs taken by other people some of which which can only be seen from these pages.

Historic Cruises

My Holidays on Inland Waterways This book by P Bonthron was first published in 1916. It relates the author's extensive cruises by motor boat and skiff on the canals and rivers of England, Scotland and Wales.

A Journey down the Grantham Canal - 1881 Ken Brockway has written this interesting account of a notable journey in the century before last. How did he get so much detail? We'll let you decide for yourself!.

Canal Cruising in the Sixties First published in Waterways World February 1994.

Regent's Canal Dock In 1966 the IWA London and Home Counties Branch organised this trip down the Regent's Canal to the Regents Canal Dock, onto the River Lee and then return via the Hertford Union Canal.

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Jim Shead Waterways Photographer & Writer
Text and photographs copyright of Jim Shead.
Home Introduction Waterways List Waterways Map Links Books DVD
Articles Boats Photo Gallery Photo List Features Contact
Glossary A - D Glossary E - L Glossary  M - R Glossary  S - Z History Help
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