The Wayback Machine -

Midwest Gift World

Shopping catalog

Link directory

Link exchange linking information

No more membership fees or applications - No minimum purchase

Our shopping cart is now priced at lowest wholesale prices!

  • Do you have a retail location?
  • Do you need a fund raiser for your organization?
  • Do you want personal gifts at wholesale prices?
  • Do you sell at flea markets or swap meets?
  • Do you sell at garage sales?
  • Do you want to set up at your town county fair?
  • Do you need prizes for carnivals?
  • Do you want to sell through catalog distribution?
  • How about having a home party?
  • market on the internet?
  • or even wagon jobbing?
  • .....the list goes on!!!!

As of June 16, 2004, we have changed our policies...we now offer our products at the lowest wholesale prices possible...without charging you expensive annual membership fees - without forcing you to pay a minimum purchase amount  - without applications to fill out either! We are simply your supplier! This means that you may immediately shop our wholesale cart at and start making huge profits right away!

As a retailer, you are responsible for supplying your customers with a variety of products that they will appreciate….this means repeat sales! It’s important to get great sales tools in your hands right away, so you can cash in on sizable profits.

We are distributors for big-volume importers of giftware and general merchandise…..dealing direct all over the world. We can offer this merchandise to you at a price that enables you to resell it - and enjoy a very big profit!  The huge automated warehouse is filled with this merchandise .…over 3,000 different items, and more being added every day!  We have no "minimum" orders. You can buy ONE item - or a thousand - and get the same low, below wholesale prices!

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