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This category is about the activity of grouping together items that are related to one another by a finite group of criteria. (i.e. collecting) Items can be man made objects, like coins or stamps, or they may be items found in nature like sea shells or sand. Included in this category is information about the acquisition, display, identification, and conservation of these collections.

[ A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z ]

  • Advertising Collectibles
  • Animation and Cartoons
  • Arrowheads
  • Autographs
  • Baskets
  • Books
  • Christmas Ornaments
  • Coins
  • Computers
  • DVDs
  • Figurines
  • Food and Drink Related
  • Fossils
  • Glassware
  • Insulators
  • Knives
  • Militaria
  • Models
  • Movie Memorabilia
  • Music
  • Organizations
  • Out of the Ordinary
  • Paper Money
  • Patches
  • Phonecards
  • Pins
  • Postcards
  • Razors
  • Rocks and Minerals
  • Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror
  • Scouting
  • Sewing Items
  • Shells
  • Slot Machines
  • Software for Collectors
  • Sports
  • Stamps
  • Stickers
  • Themes
  • Toys
  • Trading Cards
  • Writing Instruments

  • Stories related to Hobbies Collecting

    Cool, calm Illini had no problem collecting win against Cardinals
    David Steele

    Journal Collecting Honors for Editor, Excellence in 2004
    The Business Journal is honored for overall excellence by the Society of American Business Editors and Writers

    ARMO/SEMA to Hold Car Collecting and Restoration Clinics at Barrett-Jackson Palm Beach
    PALM BEACH, Fla.--April 1, 2005--The Automotive Restoration Market Organization, a SEMA council, will conduct a series of car collecting and restoration clinics during the 3rd Annual Barrett-Jackson Palm Beach Collector Car Auction. The clinics are scheduled throughout the Barrett-Jackson auction, taking place from March 31 to April 3, 2005 at the South Florida Expo Center in Palm Beach, Fla. "ARMO and SEMA are well known and respected for their commitment to the car collector hobby," commented Craig Jackson, President of the Barrett-Jackson Auction Company. "Their clinics at our event will help potential buyers understand how to care for their collector vehicle. They will also assist individuals to make the good choice and take measures with possible future problems." The "Car Collecting and Restoration Clinics," presented by ARMO, will take place Friday through Sunday.

    Proposed system for collecting student data can be made secure, report says, but privacy worries remain
    The federal government could collect students' Social Security numbers and other data without compromising their privacy, says a new report on a proposed data-collection system. Lobbyists for state colleges favor the system, while those for private institutions oppose it. (for subscribers)

    Beer coaster collecting   Southeastern Antiquing and Collecting Magazine
    A monthly publication on antiques and collectibles, focusing on the American Southeast. Articles, classifieds, information on dealers, shows and events.   Historic Newspapers and Imprints
    Excellent collector info pages relating to grading, collecting and value. Fixed-price catalogs of historic newspapers, primarily 1775 - 1865, early book leaves, vellum indentures, 1450 to about 1900.   I collectit
    Online collecting resource.   Trajan Publishing Corporation
    Canada's leading publisher of hobby periodicals. For collectors of stamps, coins, sports memorabilia, antiques and collectibles.   Collect-Online
    Portal site for collectors. Virtual marketplace, free classifieds.,12858,284650,00.html   Country Living: Collecting
    Articles on collecting items from antique furniture to vintage flea market finds, plus features on caring for your collectibles, appraisal quiz, and calendar of antique shows.

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    The content of this directory is
    based on the Open Directory and has
    been modified by the Phynder Team

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