The Union Leader and New Hampshire Sunday News - 03-Apr-05 - Age discrimination cases expected to increase (The Union Leader and NewHampshire Sunday News)
Complaints of age discrimination in the workplace in New Hampshire will likely rise as a consequence of a U.S. Supreme Court decision last week, but the federal court in Concord is in little danger of being saturated by the new cases if past numbers of workplace age discrimination cases are any indication.
New Hampshire Task Force Begins Assessment of Court Security (
CONCORD, N.H. (AP) -- With a deadly courthouse shooting in Atlanta and the murders of a Chicago judge's family members fresh in their minds, a state Supreme Court task force has started the job of assessing and improving security at New Hampshire's courts.
Brownback visiting Iowa, New Hampshire in test of possible presidential bid (Dodge Globe)
WASHINGTON - Sen. Sam Brownback, quietly weighing a presidential bid in 2008, is using a network of social conservatives and Christian activists to raise his profile in Iowa and New Hampshire, two states critical to White House hopefuls.