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Vermont lemon, Vermont state lemon law, Vermont auto lemon laws
Vermont Lemon Laws Directory

This web page is the Vermont Lemon Law section of our Lemon Law Directory. Our directory covers all the resources you need to protect your consumer rights using the lemon law in Vermont . We have been always trying our best to ensure the accuracy of this directory. Please contact us right away if you think any changes need to made on our listings.

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The Lemon Law in Vermont indicates:
...... If a new motor vehicle does not conform to all applicable express warranties and the consumer reports the nonconformity to the manufacturer, its agent or authorized dealer during the term of the warranty, the manufacturer shall cause whatever repairs are necessary to conform the vehicle to the warranties, notwithstanding the fact that the repairs are made after the expiration of a warranty term....... Please click here to read the Vermont Lemon Law

Contact State Agency For Lemon Law Support:

State of Vermont Attorney General Office
Consumer Assistance Program
109 State Street, Montpelier VT 05609-1001
Telephone: (802) 656-3183
TOLL FREE: (800) 649-2424
FAX: (802) 656-1423

Vermont Law News

Law needed here on custodial sex (Rutland Herald) Imagine a prisoner pressured into having sex with a guard to retain the most basic privileges, such as seeking her children on visiting day. It is inhumane. It is degrading. But in Vermont, it's not illegal.

Vermont diocese puts off merger plan (The Times Argus) Vermont's Catholic Church will postpone unveiling a long-promised consolidation plan until after a new bishop arrives this month. The Roman Catholic Diocese of Burlington was going to tell its 148,000 parishioners about specific changes, mergers and closings shortly after Easter.

Vermont, feds reach tentative Medicaid deal (Rutland Herald) MONTPELIER The Douglas administration on Monday will reveal its tentative Medicaid agreement with the federal government, an accord that apparently gives Vermont unprecedented flexibility, but doesn't include the block grant the governor has sought for months.




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Vermont lemon, Vermont state lemon law, Vermont auto lemon laws

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