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Indiana Lemon Laws Directory

This web page is the indiana Lemon Law section of our Lemon Law Directory. Our directory covers all the resources you need to protect your consumer rights using the lemon law in indiana . We have been always trying our best to ensure the accuracy of this directory. Please contact us right away if you think any changes need to made on our listings.

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The Lemon Law in Indiana indicates:
...... If, after a reasonable number of attempts, the manufacturer, its agent, or authorized dealer is unable to correct the nonconformity, the manufacturer shall accept the return of the vehicle from the buyer and, at the buyer's option, either, within thirty (30) days, refund the amount paid by the buyer or provide a replacement vehicle of comparable value....... Please click here to read the Indiana Lemon Law

Contact State Agency:

Office of the Indiana Attorney General
Indiana Government Center South
302 W. Washington St.
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Phone: (317) 232-6201
Fax: (317) 232-7979

indiana Law News

Aviation board violated Open Door Law (The Herald Bulletin) The Anderson Board of Aviation Commissioners violated Indiana’s Open Door law by failing to post a notice 48 hours prior to the March meeting, according to a ruling by the Indiana Public Access Counselor.

Jackson ruling stems from unusual Calif. law (Muzi) [LatelineNews: 2005-4-3] LOS ANGELES - A court ruling that opens singer Michael Jackson's sex abuse trial to testimony about past claims of misconduct with young boys has renewed debate over an unusual California law making it easier for prosecutors to show a pattern of wrongdoing in such cases.

Florida death could prompt new Indiana law (South Bend Tribune) Senator, lawyers discuss value of having a living will. SOUTH BEND -- What happened to Terri Schiavo in Florida could happen in Indiana, according to state Sen. John Broden, D-South Bend.




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indiana lemon, indiana state lemon law, indiana auto lemon laws

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