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Mon April 04 2005
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Image of wreckage of a political party clubhouse in Hilo, Hawaii, following a tsunami that was generated by the earthquake of April 1, 1946, in the Aleutian Islands, Alaska.STATEWIDE TSUNAMI WARNING EXERCISE SCHEDULED FOR APRIL 1
April is Tsunami Awareness Month in Hawaii

The NOAA National Weather Service and Hawaii's civil defense agencies will conduct a statewide tsunami warning and response exercise on April 1, kicking off Hawaii's Tsunami Awareness Month. Since the December 26 Indian Ocean tsunami tragedy, world attention has been increasingly focused on efforts to improve tsunami detection and warnings and the efforts to educate the public about potential tsunami threats. A tsunami warning system has been in place in Hawaii since 1949. To stay tsunami prepared, Hawaii holds annual drills and public awareness activities, such as Tsunami Awareness Month. "An established warning system and statewide exercises like this help make Hawaii arguably the most tsunami ready state in the nation. These drills are the key to future safety," said retired Navy Vice Admiral Conrad C. Lautenbacher, Jr., Ph.D., undersecretary of commerce for oceans and atmosphere and NOAA administrator.

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NOAA image of carbon cycle greenhouse gases monitoring programs around the world. AFTER TWO LARGE ANNUAL GAINS, RATE OF ATMOSPHERIC CO2 INCREASE RETURNS TO AVERAGE, NOAA REPORTS — A spike in the amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere between 2001 and 2003 appears to be a temporary phenomenon and apparently does not indicate a quickening build-up of the gas in the atmosphere, according to an analysis by NOAA climate experts. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is released into the atmosphere by the burning of wood, coal, oil and gas.
News Story Archive - Home page stories 1999 - Present
NOAA image of the Indian Ocean earthquake epicenter that occurred March 28, 2005. NOAA EMPHASIZES NEED FOR GLOBAL TSUNAMI WARNING SYSTEM — News of a major undersea earthquake in Indonesia resonated across the globe on Monday. Fortunately a destructive tsunami did not follow, unlike the previous strong earthquake that occurred only three months ago. Steps taken since the December 26 disaster allowed for a better exchange of information between NOAA and countries under the threat of a potential tsunami, but many hours of waiting for confirmation highlights the need for a more robust tsunami detection system.

NOAA Magazine - The stories behind the headlines.

NOAA: Where Science Gains Value

NOAA image of drought monitor as of March 15, 2005. NOAA ISSUES 2005 SPRING OUTLOOK; Southwestern Drought Eases While Pacific Northwest Snowpack Levels Remain Low — NOAA unveiled the 2005 U.S. Spring Outlook for April through June. Of significance, one of the wettest winters on record has resulted in major reductions in the area and severity of drought in the Southwest and the Colorado River Basin—the first time this has occurred in five years. AccessNOAA - NOAA Employees Make a Difference
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NOAA Hydrographic Survey Priorities for 2004 Now Available; Updated Charting Data Promotes Safe Navigation
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Question of the Month

What is persistent marine debris, and why is it important?
NOAA Answers Your

A new Web site to help you find NOAA information.

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NOAA 2006 Budget Request — "Blue Book" Online
picture of the aquariusVisit the World's only undersea laboratory - NOAA's AQUARIUS habitat.

Anchored off the coast of Florida, AQUARIUS provides divers with a place to work and live.
Name NOAA's Ship for Ocean Exploration Student Contest
NOAA Strategic Plan, 2005-2010 (PDF)
NOAA Strategic Plan 2007 Annual Guidance Memorandum
Strategic Plan for the U.S. Integrated Earth Observation System
NOAA Climate Data at a Glance - Find 108 years of weather data for the U.S.
NOAA Ocean Explorer - Ocean exploration without getting wet!
Search & Rescue Satellite-aided Tracking/Emergency Beacon registration - See how NOAA's SARSAT helps to save mariners, aviators and other people in distress.
NOAA Posts Images Online of Northeast Blackout
Dept. Of Commerce Consistency Appeal of Islander East Pipeline Company (54-page PDF File)
Coastal Zone Management Act Consistency Appeals
  Economic Statistics for NOAA (PDF) — Third Edition 2004
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Want to Know About NOAA?You'll need RealPlayer to view this streaming video clip. Click here for video text.

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Presidential Visit to NOAA Wells Estuary in Wells, Maine. You'll need RealPlayer to view this streaming video. Click here for video text.
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NOAA Launches the First of Four Planned NOAA Fisheries Survey VesselsYou'll need RealPlayer to view this streaming video clip. Read the story.
Publication of the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), U.S. Department of Commerce.
Last Updated: April 1, 2005 10:02 AM