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Dispute settlement

This page is a gateway to material on:

  • Disputes in general, and how they are handled in the WTO and its Dispute Settlement Body
  • New negotiations on the Dispute Settlement Understanding
  • Individual dispute cases: The disputes

The WTO’s procedure for resolving trade quarrels under the Dispute Settlement Understanding is vital for enforcing the rules and therefore for ensuring that trade flows smoothly.

A dispute arises when a member government believes another member government is violating an agreement or a commitment that it has made in the WTO. The authors of these agreements are the member governments themselves — the agreements are the outcome of negotiations among members. Ultimate responsibility for settling disputes also lies with member governments, through the Dispute Settlement Body.

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News    > back to top

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  • Recent dispute documents (Document code WT/DS* or TN/DS*)
    1. Choose: the last 
  • Update of all WTO dispute settlement cases
    A single overview document, usually updated several times per year, after each regular meeting of the Dispute Settlement Body. Reflects the state of play of WTO disputes since 1 January 1995. Includes summaries of the arguments and findings developed in each dispute.
    (Document code WT/DS/OV/*)  
    find latest update

> see also: annual overview, below.

  • News items (News of Dispute Settlement Body meetings, etc)
    2005    > 2004    > 2003    > 2002    > 2001
    These links go to the general WTO news archives. To view the news items related to the latest dispute cases, choose “Edit” and then “Find in page” on the menu bar of your browser and type the keyword “dispute” in the window.

Introduction to dispute settlement in the WTO    > back to top

How does the WTO settle disputes?
This link takes you to the section on disputes in the WTO guide, “Understanding the WTO”. Use your browser’s “back” button to return to this page.

Interactive course: The WTO dispute settlement system

> Video: Case studies of WTO dispute settlement

The legal basis    > back to top

The Dispute Settlement Understanding (DSU) — the main WTO agreement on settling disputes. Like the bulk of the WTO agreements, this was one of the outcomes of the Uruguay Round negotiations.

Rules of Conduct on rules and procedures for settling disputes, adopted in December 1996

Working Procedures for Appellate Review

The Dispute Settlement Body    > back to top

Made up of all member governments, usually represented by ambassadors or equivalent. The current chairperson is H.E. Mr. Eirik GLENNE (Norway).

Search Documents Online
DSB documents use the code WT/DSB/* (where * takes additional values)
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  • Minutes of Dispute Settlement Body (DSB) meetings (Document code WT/DSB/M/*)  
      > search
  • Annual reports of the DSB (document code WT/DSB/* and keyword “Annual report”)     > search
  • Annual overview of the state of play of WTO disputes
    Addendum to the DSB annual report. Reflects the state of play of WTO disputes from 1 January 1995 to a given date each year. In table format, allowing the reader to identify the main stages of the dispute settlement process relating to each case and the relevant documents issued. (document code 
    WT/DSB/* and keyword “Overview of the State of Play of WTO Disputes”)     > search

> See also: cases update, above 

The Appellate Body    > back to top

The permanent seven-member Appellate Body is set up by the Dispute Settlement Body and broadly represents the range of WTO membership. Members of the Appellate Body have four-year terms. They have to be individuals with recognized standing in the field of law and international trade, not affiliated with any government.

New negotiations on the Dispute Settlement Understanding    > back to top

A 1994 Ministerial Decision says dispute settlement rules should be reviewed by 1 January 1999. The review started in the Dispute Settlement Body in 1997. The deadline was extended to 31 July 1999, but there was no agreement.

Click for Doha Development Agenda gatewayIn November 2001, at the Doha Ministerial Conference, member governments agreed to negotiate to improve and clarify the Dispute Settlement Understanding. Ministers said that the new negotiations should be concluded not later than May 2003. These negotiations take place in special sessions of the Dispute Settlement Body (DSB).

On 24 July 2003, acknowledging the fact that the DSB special session needed more time to conclude its work, the General Council agreed to extend the special session's timeframe by one year, to May 2004.

Search Documents Online
DSU negotiations documents use the code TN/DS/* (where * takes additional values)
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  • Reports by the Chairman to the Trade Negotiations Committee (Document code TN/DS/* and keyword “Report by the Chairman”)     > search    help
  • Minutes of the Special Sessions (Document code TN/DS/M/*)     > search
  • Working documents of the DSU negotiations (Document code TN/DS/W/*)     > search     help
  • The DSB decision to extend the review deadline, December 1998 (Document code WT/DSB/M/52)     search     > help


The disputes    > back to top

Buy the book: Dispute Settlement Reports from Cambridge University Press (co-publisher). This is the only WTO-authorized paginated version.

How to search for and download dispute settlement documents    > back to top

Search Documents Online
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The Documents Online database has a BROWSE function which gives a complete list of dispute rulings. Or, you can perform more sophisticated searches from the Documents Online SEARCH facility (opens in new window) by defining multiple search criteria such as document symbol (i.e. code number), full text search or document date.

Links    > back to top

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Looking for documents on specific dispute cases? 

The disputes chronologically (reverse chronological order)

The disputes by subject

Dispute rulings, by country: > A to D   > E to I   > J to P   > Q to Z

List of panel, appeal and arbitration rulings, all combined or per year

Analytical Index
The authoritative guide to decisions of WTO panels, the Appellate Body and other bodies

> Buy the book: Dispute Settlement Reports from Cambridge University Press (co-publisher). This is the only WTO-authorized paginated version.


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