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Trade and environment

Issues relating to trade, the environment and sustainable development more generally, have been discussed in the GATT and in the WTO for many years. Environment is a horizontal issue that cuts across different rules and disciplines in WTO. The issue has been considered by Members both in terms of the impact of environmental policies on trade, and of the impact of trade on the environment.

See also:
Negotiations on trade and environmentClick for Doha Development Agenda gateway
Negotiations, implementation and development: the Doha agenda
Regular work on trade and environment

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See also:
10 misunderstandings about the WTO
Criticism, yes ... misinformation, no!
WTO Agreements and Public Health — A joint study by WHO and the WTO Secretariat

Introductory material back to top

Trade and Environment at the WTO
The WTO Secretariat has prepared this background document to assist public understanding of the trade and environment debate at the WTO.

The environment — a new high profile
In “Understanding the WTO”, the introduction to the WTO.

MEA Database: Matrix on Trade Measures Pursuant to Selected MEAs

Frequently-asked questions  

Negotiations on trade and environment back to top

Click for Doha Development Agenda gatewayMinisters agreed at the Doha Ministerial Conference to start negotiations on certain aspects of the trade and environment linkage. These negotiations are conducted in Special Session of the Committee on Trade and Environment.

Work in the Committee on Trade and Environment (Regular session) back to top

Since 1995, work has been conducted in the CTE pursuant to a comprehensive work programme.

Click for Doha Development Agenda gatewayIn Doha, Ministers instructed the CTE (paragraph 32 of the Ministerial Declaration), in pursuing its work on all items of its agenda, to give particular attention to three issues.


Relevant WTO provisions back to top

Relevant WTO provisions: descriptions
A description of provisions such as non-discrimination, general exceptions to regular trade rules (GATT Article 20 (i.e. XX), GATS Article 14 (i.e. XIV), etc.)

Relevant WTO provisions: texts

> Agreements: Preamble to WTO Agreement. GATT Article 20. TBT, SPS, Agriculture, Subsidies, and TRIPS. GATS Article 14
> Decision on Trade and Environment
> Decision on Trade in Services and the Environment

Disputes: clarifying the rules back to top

Dolphin-tuna, gasoline, shrimp-turtle and other environment-related disputes in GATT/WTO

Secretariat background note on dispute settlement practice relating to the application of GATT Article XX to environmental measures.

History: 30 years of ‘trade and environment’ in GATT/WTO back to top

The link between trade and the environment — both the impact of environmental policies on trade, and the impact of trade on the environment — was recognized as early as 1970.
Early years: emerging environment debate in GATT/WTO
The 1971 GATT Secretariat study, and EMIT — the GATT group on Environmental Measures and International Trade.
1994: the Marrakesh Agreement and the ministerial decision
The preamble places sustainable development firmly among the WTO’s objectives. A dispute ruling four years later has reinforced the legal position.

Events, publications back to top

Workshop on Environmental Goods11 October 2004
The WTO organized a Workshop on Environmental Goods to assist WTO Members in their deliberations under Paragraph 31(iii) of the Doha Development Agenda (DDA).
Programme, with links to presentations
Trade and Environment at the WTOApril 2004
The WTO Secretariat has prepared this background document to assist public understanding of the trade and environment debate at the WTO.
Public symposium on challenges ahead on the road to Cancún — 16-18 June 2003
Public symposium on the Doha Development Agenda and beyond — 29 April - 1 May 2002
Cooperation with other international organizations back to top

In the context of the work on trade and environment, the GATT, and subsequently the WTO have undertaken a number of initiatives aiming to promote greater coherence and mutual supportiveness of trade and environmental policies.

Secretariat background note on existing forms of cooperation and information exchange between UNEP/MEAs and the WTO.

Trade and Environment Review 2003 (UNCTAD) (opens in new window).

External links back to top

List of links to Multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs) secretariats and other international organizations websites.
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MEA Database: Matrix on Trade Measures Pursuant to Selected MEAs


contact us : World Trade Organization, rue de Lausanne 154, CH-1211 Geneva 21, Switzerland