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Listing of the Month:


Westgate Vacation Villas
Orlando, Florida
For rent or sale
by an individual...more

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Listing of the Month

Time Share Rentals & Resales

We offer rentals, sales, and resales through our owner classifieds section.  You too can place your resort condo for resale, rent, and/or exchange in our classified section by listing it here.  The cost is very minimal and the results are phenomenal.   Read what our current owners are saying about our  services.

Time share rentals allow travelers to stay at 5 star resorts, luxury hotels, and resort condos without paying the normal price through the resort.  Since our classifieds come directly from the owners themselves, travelers are able to save huge.  Many of the rental listings are hundreds of dollars cheaper than what someone would pay by renting through the resort. 

Search our directory to plan your next vacation and save money.  You can search the time shares by location, price, week, available exchanges or resort name

If you have ever considered owning a time share, search our sales and resales section.  Reasons for owning one include saving money on vacations and the ability to exchange it with other owners or through exchange companies such as RCI, or Interval International.  We specialize in Marriott and Fairfield resales and rentals, but also offer properties from many different resorts worldwide.

If you are an owner (Marriott, Fairfield or other) and are interested in listing your time share for sale, rent, or exchange; our website will allow you to promote it to thousands of interested buyers and renters daily.  How many times have you paid your maintenance fees while your vacation property sits unused? Sell or rent your property now.  The majority of travelers and prospective buyers are searching the Internet to locate available accommodations.  The cost of listing your property is many times less than paying another maintenance fee and allows you the targeted audience you need to sell/rent your property.


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