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Video Games

Video Games refers to almost any game that uses a video screen to display the results of a player's actions, whether played on a home computer, or a game console.

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  • Action
  • Action-Adventure
  • Adventure
  • Arcade Platforms
  • Board Games
  • Browser Based
  • Cards
  • Chats and Forums
  • Cheats and Hints
  • Clans and Guilds
  • Computer Platforms
  • Console Platforms
  • Developers and Publishers
  • Dice
  • Directories
  • Driving and Racing
  • Educational
  • Emulation
  • Fan Pages
  • Fighting
  • Freeware
  • Game Design
  • History
  • Humor
  • Interactive Fiction
  • Kids and Teens
  • Massive Multiplayer Online
  • Multiplayer
  • Music
  • Music and Dance
  • News and Reviews
  • Outdoors
  • Pinball
  • Platform
  • Programming
  • Puzzle
  • Recreation
  • Roleplaying
  • Shareware
  • Shooter
  • Shopping
  • Simulation
  • Sports
  • Strategy
  • Survival Horror
  • Tile Games
  • Trivia
  • Word Games

  • See also:
  • ArtsAnimation
  • Computers

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    Xbox, Playstation 2, Game Cube, Dreamcast, Gameboy Advance, GB Color, Nintendo 64, Playstation, Educational, Strategy Guides PC Games

    Stories related to Video Games

    Witness Says Jackson Molested Him During Tickling Games
    In dramatic and emotional testimony, the son of a former housekeeper for Michael Jackson tells jurors Monday that he was molested by the pop star. Images: April 4 - Jackson Arrives Image Gallery: Jackson Trial

    Google video to accept submissions
    SAN FRANCISCO - Google's video search engine may soon take you to your neighbors' home movies. Google is about to start accepting video content from the public for its Google Video service, a system now in public beta testing that lets anyone search a variety of TV clips by keyword. The service returns excerpts of show transcripts -- grabbed from close-captioning feeds -- and still images captured from the shows' footage, but it doesn't provide actual video clips that users can play back. "In the next few days we're actually going to start taking video submissions from people, and we're not quite sure what we're going to get, but we decided we'd try this experiment," said Larry Page, Google's co-founder and president for products said on Monday at a panel discussion at the National Cable Television Association (NCTA) National Show in San Francisco. A large audience gathered to see Page and other IT and entertainment executives burst into laughter. Page didn't provide any other details of the plan, but Google spokesman Nate Tyler said Monday that more information would be available in a few days. Page also drew loud applause when he said he had recently switched from DSL (digital subscriber line) to a cable modem and found a big speed boost. The five executives agreed that technology is transforming the way the public consumes information and entertainment and that cable operators have a good opportunity to benefit from the changes. Time-shifting, online content downloading and the proliferation of new mobile devices such as Apple Computer's iPod and Sony's PlayStation Portable are among the forces disrupting traditional cable TV and other programmed entertainment sources, they said. Also during the panel, Cisco Systems President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) John Chambers said he believes more consolidation is necessary in the U.S. service provider industry. "Too much competition is just as bad as too little," said Chambers, who heads the dominant provider of data network backbone equipment and warned of the need to build out the nation's broadband infrastructure for global competitiveness. Also participating on the panel were Jeffrey Katzenberg, film producer and co-founder of DreamWorks, Jonathan Miller, chairman and chief executive officer of America Online and Brian Roberts, chairman and CEO of Comcast.

    Aleratec Ships DV Cruiser Digital Video Solution

    Google to Expand Video Search
    The company plans to begin accepting digital video submissions, a Google co-founder says, in an effort to broaden its experimental video search engine.

    Stewart Cink hoping mind games pays off
    Let's begin by conceding that Stewart Cink's wife has no background in clinical psychology: She majored in molecular biology at Georgia Tech. Let's also admit that being a mother of two gives her no special insight into what it takes to make a three-foot putt while thousands of sweaty spectators breathe down your neck and millions more watch on television.   Computer and Video Games Survey
    Annual quantitative survey to describe gamers hardware, software and connectivity set-ups.   Genre and the Video Game
    An analysis of genre categorization as applied to video games in contrast with books and film, with definitions and examples.   Gigex Games
    Contains collections of demo and movie downloads sorted by popularity.   Open Site
    A volunteer run encyclopedia categorized by genre. Includes information, review overviews, hints, release dates, and artwork.

      Copy Ps2 Games
    Copy ps2 games and find the latest ps2 news and reviews.

    An online mafia era game gangland clan. Join the family and see what it takes to become a made man! Gangland mak gang clan website gangsters tmg tryout members home requirements webmail mafia mob website mediamobsters whiptail interactive ventrilo.

      Video Game Reviews, Video Game Forums
    Visit for relevant video game previews, reviews, and video game forums for all systems.

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