You may be going through a divorce or there may have been an illness or accident in the family, or maybe you got laid off at work. The reasons don't really matter, but so often we are going along in control of our finances and suddenly, "WHAM!" Something happens that derails us, and we can't get back on track. The bills keep coming, but we've depleted our savings and the money isn't there anymore. We start to think about bankruptcy. You aren't alone; in 2003, 2.5% of the population of Nevada filed for personal bankruptcy - that's way above the national average!
But bankruptcy damages your credit rating and means you can't get a home loan or car loan for years, so you should consider alternatives first. Fill out an online application today and Nevada Debt Consolidation advisors can help you get back on track in no time. We specialize in Nevada debt counseling and have professionals waiting to help you.