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WTO news: what’s been happening in the WTO


Sub-committee starts work, looking at farm talks and development aspects of cotton

The Cotton Sub-Committee heard updates on the agriculture talks and development aspects of cotton, getting down to substance after it swiftly adopted its work programme at its second meeting on 22 March 2005.

News item

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Events calendar




4–8 April 2005

Monday 4 April 2005

10 am

Committee on Safeguards

Tuesday 5 April 2005

10 am

Dispute Settlement Body (Special session — negotiations)

Wednesday 6 April 2005

10 am

Committee on Trade and Development (Special and Dedicated sessions)

Thursday 7 April 2005

10 am

Committee on Anti Dumping (To Friday)

Friday 8 April 2005

10 am

Committee on Customs Valuation

10 am

Committee on Anti Dumping (From Thursday)

The rest of the year
Tentative schedule of meetings, updated weekly — download in pdf format (11KB)
> Guide to downloading files.


The WTO and the Netherlands launch new trainee programme for LDCs

The WTO and the Kingdom of the Netherlands launched, on 24 March 2005, a new Trainee Programme for LDCs and other low income, and small and vulnerable, economies. The objective is to give the officials from such countries the opportunity to learn, while working for the WTO, about trade and development related matters and to develop their knowledge of trade policy.
Press release

WTO dispute body adopts ruling on US cotton subsidies

The Dispute Settlement Body on 21 March 2005 adopted the Appellate Body and panel reports on the United States' subsidies on upland cotton. The complaint was brought by Brazil. At the same meeting, the DSB set up at the US' request a panel to examine selected European Communities customs matters. The DSB also established at Korea's request a panel to look at Japan's import quotas on laver.
Summary of the meeting

Korea donates 200,000 US dollars to WTO technical assistance

The Government of the Republic of Korea, on 22 March 2005, contributed USD 200,000 (approximately CHF 234,000) to the Doha Development Agenda (DDA) Global Trust Fund.
Press release

Goods Council agrees on chairpersons of subsidiary bodies

The Council for Trade in Goods, on 11 March 2005, agreed on a slate of chairpersons of its subsidiary bodies for this year.
Summary of the meeting

Panel reports out on geographical indications disputes

The WTO, on 15 March 2005, issued the reports of the panel that had examined complaints by the United States and Australia against “European Communities — Protection of trademarks and geographical indications for agricultural products and foodstuffs” (DS174 and DS290, respectively).
> Download the panel reports

WTO eTraining Course for government officials

The WTO eTraining programme is offering an online course for 52 government officials from developing countries from 14 March to 22 April 2005 (six weeks). The course is entitled “3rd Introduction to the WTO and its Basic Principles” and will be conducted in Spanish.
News item

Canada donates 385,000 Swiss Francs for the Standards and Trade Development Facility

The Canadian Government, on 18 March 2005, signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the WTO over a contribution of Canadian $400,000 (approximately CHF 385,000) to the Standards and Trade Development Facility, a programme which assists developing countries in improving their expertise and capacity to analyse and implement international sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) standards.
Press release

Trade Policy Review: Mongolia

Early market-oriented reforms helped the transition to a stable economic growth.
Press release
> Chairperson's concluding remarks

WTO's first 10 years “a success” — Supachai

Director-General Supachai Panitchpakdi, in his speech “The WTO After 10 Years: The Lessons Learned and The Challenges Ahead” to the Council on Foreign Relations in New York on 10 March 2005, expressed confidence that “the lessons learned during our first decade will help future leaders to chart the course for greater equity, stability and prosperity”. He said that one of the most important achievements has been “the enhanced integration of developing countries into the WTO system”.

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New pages:

The Cotton Sub-Committee

Appellate Body Repertory

DG selection process

Public Symposium April 2005

WTO 10th Anniversary


New publications:

Statistics CD 2004

WTO Basic Instruments 1996

World Trade Review

The Future of the WTO


Ag talks backgrounder (updated 1 December 2004)

contact us : World Trade Organization, rue de Lausanne 154, CH-1211 Geneva 21, Switzerland