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DryFoot is the home of foot care products.
Many of us do not give our feet the required attention, hardly realizing that they absorb nearly 5 times our body weight. Each foot has 26 bones-a quarter of all the bones in your body-combined with an intricate network of muscles and tendons.
It is essential that:-
You look after your feet.
Keep your toe nails trimmed
Remove rough skin.
Massage feet & ankle regularly.
This simple foot care routine does not take long-you can try it a couple of times in a week.
Remove obvious hard skin with a pumic stone or sloughing cream. You might need to soak your feet in a bowl of fairly hot water, to soften the dirt and dead skin for fast removal. If you use a foot file rub your skin very gently before rinsing off the flaky residue.
Soak your feet for 5-10 min in a bowl of warm water to which you have added some mineral salts or palm sea salts. Add a couple of drops of lavender essential oil to soothe aches and ease swelling.
Dry your feet well, especially between your toes, trim your toe nails by cutting straight across the tip and sharp corners with an emery board.
Massage your feet with a nourishing cream by cupping your hands oneither side of your foot and using your thumbs, firmly pressing the upper part of your foot while pushing your thumbs outwards.
Grasp each ankle and gently massage the ankle bone in a circular motion to ease away any stiffness.
Wipe off excess grease of your nails and place cotton wool tufts between your toes to keep them separate.
Apply a base coat of nail polish and then cover it with the second coat if required. Whenever you apply nail polish, start in the middle of the nail with one quick stroke and then work outwards.
Wait for at least 1/2 an hour before putting your shoes on.
The foot locker of foot care. Eliminate Foot Pain and athletes feet and foot odor. If you suffer from foot problems and want relief then DryFoot can help.
From everything from dry skin to foot massage information and foot reflexology.
Stop suffering from swollen feet or sore feet and take some foot action.
Foot Eze
Buy It Now for Only $9.95!

Foot Eze Advantages
* Long Lasting Silica Graphite* * Pumice Like Abrasive Action * * Mounts Easily With Suction Cups to Wall at Foot of Tub * * Tile On Floor Of Rec Room or Office * * Floor of Sits Shower * * OR Use It As a Hand Held Pumice Stone * * Just Lay/Sit Back ~ and Rub Your Troubles Away *
~ Foot-Eze-1 ~ Saves Money on Doctors visits and saves you time too !!!
* Eliminates the need for Bending &
Stretching to: * Remove odor causing dead skin,
unsightly, painful calluses *
* Invigorate tired, achy, sore feet * *
Circulation to Feet & Legs *
* Relax muscles & releive tension &
stress * * Reduce
Pain and the chance of Back Injury * *
Provide a feeling of wellness * * Improve
Performance ~ & ~
Attitiude * as it promotes new skin
NOT recommended for Diabetics . The hands free no bending assistive living device - Foot-Eze-1 ADDS the beneits of ~ Reflexology Foot Massage ~ Read That Info HERE .
Use it while Bathing, Working or Relaxing and Rub unsightly painful calluses AND odor causing dead skin away Leaves your feet - Fresh, tingling and feeling Great AND If YOUR Feet Feel GREAT YOU Feel GREAT ALL Over
Buy It Now for only $9.95!
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email: sales @ dryfoot.com (remove the spaces to send)
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