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Irish Specimen Game Fish Awards for 2004


Photo: L-R Trevor Champ (chairman I.S.F.C.) Paddy Byrne (retired), Brian Geraghty (retired) and Dr. Willie Roach (Secretary I.S.F.C.). Paddy Byrne and Brian Geraghty were presented with Genesis Lamps by the Irish Specimen Fish Committee in the Burlington Hotel, Dublin. photo March 6th, 2005

Irish Specimen Fish Committee

Founded in 1955 ISFC Irish Specimen Fish Committee is an independent voluntary body, representative of angling in Ireland, whose principal function is to verify and publicise the capture of large (i.e. specimen) fish caught on rod and line by anglers in Ireland, both in freshwater and marine waters. The Committee also ratifies Irish record rod caught fish. The ISFC co-ordinates and administers the unique specimen awards scheme which is designed to recognise any angler who catches a specimen fish. Successful anglers are awarded a certificate and a commemorative badge. Specifically commissioned silver medals are presented to captors of record fish and special awards are also made to captors of multiple fish (on a cumulative basis).

The new contact information for the I.S.F.C (Irish Specimen Fish Committee) is:



Irish Specimen Fish Committee,
Unit 4, Swords Business Campus,
Balheary Road, Swords,
Co. Dublin,


from Ireland: (01) 884 2600
from abroad: + 353 1 884 2600


from Ireland: (01) 836 0060
from abroad: + 353 1 836 0060



Photo: L/R Michael Flanagan and Con Hope Mullingar, well known midland anglers with their specimen fish awards from the Irish Specimen Fish Committee on Sunday March 6th, 2005 at the Burlington Hotel, Dublin. In photo Dr Waldron Mullingar. For more info on the Irish Trophy Fish visit the Irish Specimen Fish Committee website

ANNUAL REPORTS: Download the ISFC Annual Reports

Some important points for claiming specimen fish:

1. Use official ISFC (Irish Specimen Fish Committee) claim form and complete all relevant sections fully

2. Print your name, address (including country) and telephone number in block capitals in Section 2.

3. Weighing: Fish must be weighed (on land) on certified club scales etc or alternatively, on a shop scales. If in doubt, use a shop scales. Fish must not be weighed on board a boat.

4. Scales must be certified annually by a competent independent authority and a certificate of accuracy must be current at time of weighing. Certificate must accompany each claim.

5. Fish scales, actual bodies or photographs of some species are required

6. You must sign and date Section 6 of the Claim Form. Ensure witnesses sign the Claim Form.

Schedule of Specimen Weights 2003

Species Irish Record Specimen Weight
Salmon 57lbs River Suir 20lbs (9.072 kgs)
Brown Trout Lake 26lbs 2ozs Lough Ennell 10lbs (4.536 kgs)
Brown Trout River 20lbs River Shannon, Corbally 5lbs (2.268kgs)
Sea Trout 16lbs 6ozs Shimna River Co Down 6lbs (2.722kgs)
Slob Trout   10lbs (4.536 Kgs)

Irish Specimen Fish Committee

This committee consists of representatives of the Irish Angling Federations and the Government Departments and official organisations interested in angling. It's objectives is to verify, record and publicise the capture of large fish on rod and line in Irish waters. A list of Specimen Fish is published annually by the Committee. Only fish which can be fully vouched for as to weight and species can be accepted and listed by the Committee.

Fair Angling

"Fair Angling" means any legitimate method of angling with rod and reel which is a fair and sporting method. A fish must be hooked in or in the vicinity of the mouth when it has taken the bait or lure; fish which have been foul hooked, even accidentally, are not eligible. A fish in respect of which claim is made must be hooked, played and brought to gaff or net by the angler unaided, though the fish may be gaffed or netted by another, and is permissible for the person using the gaff to take hold of the trace or doubled line 9 in the case of big game fishing) to steady the fish when it has been played out and brought within reach. Breakage of rod, reel or line or alteration or substitution of tackle, while the fish is being played, disqualify it for claim or record purposes. A fish may not be shot, lanced, clubbed or harpooned before landing. Claims for fish caught during the statutory close season for the species (where this applies) cannot be accepted.


Fish must be weighed in the presence of independent, reliable witnesses on a properly certified scales. e.g., a shop scales or an official club scales which is covered by a certificate from the local Weights and Measures Officer. Claims cannot be accepted in respect of fish weighted on scales inappropriate to the size of the fish e.g. fish in the 2 to 5lbs range weighed on balances weighing up to 100lbs or over and graduated in large divisions. Claims cannot be accepted in the case of fish which have been weighed on board a boat.

Please note: Weighing scales must be covered by a Certificate of Accuracy at the time of weighing. They cannot be certified in retrospect, i.e. after the fish has been weighed.

Weighing Scale Certification

List of Regional Verification Centres

Legal Metrology Service, National Standards Authority of Ireland (NSAI), Glasnevin, Dublin 9

Region and Area 


Telephone Number 

Cork Regional Verification Centre contact NSAI Legal Metrology Service, Rossa Avenue, Bishobstown, Cork 4 


James Stapleton

Tel: 021 346 256 Fax: 021 326 999 Mobile 087 224 5533

Dublin Regional Verification Centre, NSAI Legal Metrology Service, Poppintree Industrial Estate, Ballymun, D 11 

John Heery

Tel: 01 864 3848 Fax: 01 864 3880 Mobile 087 284 8735

Limerick Regional Verification Centre, NSAI Legal Metrology Service, Plassy Technical Park, Castletroy, Limerick

Denis Corkery

Tel: 061 330 708 Fax: 061 330 698 Mobile 087 223 1053

Sligo Regional Verification Centre, NSAI Legal Metrology Service, Finiskillen Industrial Estate, Sligo

Tony Marren

Tel: 071 507 38 Fax: 071 507 39 Mobile 087 223 1058

Waterford Regional Verification Centre, NSAI Legal Metrology Service, Northern Industrial Estate, Waterford 

Garry O'Gorman

Tel: 051 358 020 Fax: 051 358 021 Mobile 087 223 1062

Dundalk Regional Verification Centre, NSAI Legal Metrology Service, IDA Small Business Park, Coes Rd, Dundalk, Co Louth 

Brendan Connolly

Tel: 042 933 2758 Fax: 042 933 2791 Mobile 087 223 1078

Galway Regional Verification Centre, NSAI Legal Metrology Service, Ballybrit Industrial Estate, Ballybane, Galway

Dave Conneely

Tel: 091 771 943 Fax: 091 758 932 Mobile 087 223 1051

Dublin HQ Regional Verification Centre, NSAI Legal Metrology Service, Glasnevin, Dublin 9 

Pat Farragher

Centre Tel: 01 807 3811 Fax: 01 808 2030 Comtact Pat at 01 807 3811 


The identification of a fish must be fully documented where there is a possibility of its confusion with any other (and particularly larger) species. For this reason, the Committee in respect of some species insists on scales from the fish, close up photographs or the actual body as actual proof of identification before it will consider claims. Scales must be submitted in respect of claims for SALMON, SEA TROUT, BROWN TROUT, (including SLOB TROUT). Any brown trout taken in tidal waters i.e., in the sea or in an estuary below the freshwater boundary as defined for that river will be regarded for claim purposes as a slob trout. About 50 scales scraped from each shoulder of the fish should be sent with the claim.

The fish itself should be forwarded for identification to the Irish Specimen Fish Committee, Mobhi Boreen, Glasnevin, Dublin 9, in the case of fish taken in the Republic of Ireland. In the case of marine fish taken in Northern Ireland send to Dr R Briggs, Aquatic Systems Group AESD, Department of Agriculture, Newforge Lane, Belfast, BT9 5PX Tel: 0801 232 255503; Fax: 0801 232 382244. In the case of fresh water species send to Dr Walter Crozier, D.A.N.I., River Bush Salmon Station, 21 Church St, Bushmills, Co Antrim, BT57 8QJ. Tel: 02657 31435. Fax: 0801 2647 32130


Clear, sharp, close - up photographs, showing the entire fish with its fins and other features easily seen, and not fore - shortened or obscured by shadows or bystanders must be provided in the case of TOPE, SHARKS, SKATE, RAYS, MONKFISH, POLLACK, COALFISH, BALLAN WRASSE, TRIGGER FISH.

If necessary, the fish should be hung up. In this case skates and rays, photographs of both back and belly surfaces should be provided and particulars of the coloration given (with particular reference to the presence of dark or grey spots, or streaks or patches on the belly side). Samples of the teeth should be furnished in the case of Porbeagle and Mako Sharks. In addition, there should be a clear close-up photograph showing the jaws and teeth exposed.

Limitation on number of claims

A maximum of three awards will be made to any particular claimant for a single species in any one year. However, provision will be made that when an angler achieves this target and subsequently captures larger fish, these will be taken into account but the final number of awards for any species in a single year will not be more than three awards. By including this latter provision, it will ensure that anglers competitive spirit is kept up and higher achievements could still be sought.

Sending Fish to the Committee


  • Notify the Committee when a fish is being sent in for identification Tel: Dublin 01 8379 206 Fax: 01 8360060 or Email to 

  • Do not forward fish to the Committee before Bank Holidays or weekends; ( keep in a cold store or preferably frozen if fish cannot be delivered quickly on or before Friday afternoon )

  • Please attach a label to each fish forwarded for identification giving the captor's name and address, date and place of capture and the weight of the fish.

  • Fish (except small examples which have been previously soaked in formalin for at least 12 hours) should not be sent in polythene bags or wrapped in aluminium foil as this causes very rapid decomposition. They should be wrapped in greaseproof paper and then in newspaper and brown paper.


Anglers whose claims have been accepted by the Committee will be awarded special " Merit Badges" in the case of Specimen Fish and Silver Medals in the case of Record Fish. Specimen Fish Certificates will also be ratified specimen fish, special medals to anglers who have captured ten or more species and special badges are issued each year for fish of exceptional merit though not of record size.


Correspondence to Ballnagowan House, Mobhi Boreen, Mobhi Road, Glasnevin, Dublin 9(Tel: Dublin 01 8379206). Fish should be sent to Ballnagowan House, Mobhi Boreen, Mobhi Road, Glasnevin, Dublin 9

In the case of marine fish taken in Northern Ireland send to Dr R Briggs, Aquatic Systems Group AESD, Department of Agriculture, Newforge Lane, Belfast, BT9 5PX Tel: 0801 232 255503; Fax: 0801 232 382244. In the case of fresh water species send to Dr Walter Crozier, D.A.N.I., River Bush Salmon Station, 21 Church St, Bushmills, Co Antrim, BT57 8QJ. Tel: 02657 31435. Fax: 0801 2647 32130

Related Links:

See new IRISH TROPHY FISH website launched in 2004 



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The Shannon Regional Fisheries Board
Bord Iascaigh Réigiúnach na Sionainne
Ashbourne Business Park, Dock Road, Limerick, Rep of Ireland
Tel: 061 300238 Fax: 061 300308