The Wayback Machine -
National Library of Australia

How to update your library's details

ALG Administration encourages all libraries to ensure that the information about their library on the Gateway is accurate and up-to-date. It should only take minutes to check and update the information about your Library.

  1. Find your library entry on the Gateway
  2. Login to update - you'll need a JavaScript and cookie enabled Web-browser
  3. Online update forms [or download, print and post details to ALG Administration]

We're always glad to hear about new libraries for the Gateway - if you can't find a library that you know to exist, use our online form to report it and an entry will be established as soon as possible. ALG Administration is here to help you! Contact us if you have any problems or suggestions as to how we might improve this 'Help' text.

1. Find your library entry on the Gateway

The first step in updating your library's Gateway entry is to find out what information is currently held in the database.

  1. Search the Gateway for your Library through the 'Find a Library' option.
  2. From the summary details of your search, select the red [More Details] link to view the full directory details for your library.
  3. Follow the [Edit this record] link at the bottom of your entry to login to update.

2. Login to update

The [Edit this record] link at the bottom of library entry on the Gateway, takes you to a login screen for online update. You will be asked to provide a password before proceeding any further.

  1. Enter your ALG password.
  2. Select an online update form (there are 7 options) to proceed then [Login].

Forgotten, lost or want to change your password? Email or telephone 1800 026155 and ALG Administration can tell you what the password is and/or reset it for you. If you cannot use the online forms, you may download and print our form, complete it and send to ALG Administration to update your entry for you. If you can't download and print the form, telephone 1800 026155 and we'll post a copy to you.

3. Online update forms

Because the Australian Libraries Gateway aims to provide users with a wide range of information about your library, collections and services, information is gathered through seven online update forms. This should make it easier for you to update information about your library as you won't necessarily want to change all your details at any one time.

  1. Contact details for ALG update
  2. General information
  3. Related organisations
  4. Collection details
  5. Subject collecting information
  6. Online services
  7. Change password
  8. Z39.50 access

Update Tips

1. Contact details for ALG update

These details are recorded for administrative purposes only (ie for when ALG Administration needs to contact you) and is particularly important for large institutions. Your personal details will not be displayed to the public on the Gateway and we really appreciate you keeping this information up-to-date, especially when there are staff changes.

Please provide your:

The 'Other notes/comments' area is so that we can record other useful information as required (eg when updates have been made by ALG Administration from returned update forms; the names of other persons responsible for update of, for example, collection assessment details etc). Please help us to help you!

Use the [Submit these updated details] button to update.

2. General information

The 'General information' update form gathers basic directory information about your library - such things as:

Update Tip

3. Related organisations

The 'Related organisations' update form is used to show the relationships between your library and other libraries and organisations.

Administrative relationships

This section of the form shows the relationships which have been recorded for your library. It will show, where applicable:


This section of the form allows you to specify which professional associations, networks or consortia your library belongs to.

To add a membership, select an organisation in the left hand box and click the Select button to add it to the right hand box. To remove a membership, select an organisation in the right hand box and click the Remove button. When the right hand box displays the correct organisations, click the 'Submit these updated details' button at the bottom of the form to save the changes.

Other related libraries

This section of the form allows you to identify other libraries with which your library has a relationship. A library may belong to only one group of related libraries.

If your library already belongs to a group, the members of the group will be displayed here.

To add a library to the group, enter the name of the library and click the Search button. From the search results select the library you wish to add to the group. and click the 'Create link to selected library ..' button. Click the 'Submit these updated details' button at the bottom of the form to save the changes.

If you do not wish your library to be associated with this group, you can remove your library from the group by clicking on the appropriate 'Remove' button. You may remove other libraries from the group, but be aware that this will change the 'other related libraries' displayed for all the other libraries in the group. If you did not create the group, you will need to consider which library created the group and for what purpose before removing a library other than your own. Click the 'Submit these updated details' button at the bottom of the form to save the changes.

If your library is not part of a group, you can form a new group by entering the name of a library and clicking the Search button. From the search results select the library you wish to add to your group. If this library is already part of a group, your libary will be added to that group and all the libraries in the group will be displayed as your 'other related libraries'. Click the 'Submit these updated details' button at the bottom of the form to save the changes.

Link to your Library "friends"

You may also use this form to include a link to your Library's friends organisation.

4. Collection details

The 'Collection details' update form gathers information about how library users can use and access your collections. These details can be especially useful for users preparing to visit your Library as for those who wish to access your catalogue remotely.

5. Subject collecting information

This form allows Australian libraries to:

Users of the Gateway may 'Search collections by subject' when libraries have done a collection assessment and assigned subject collecting levels to their ALG entries.

The 'Advanced search' option allows users to search comments assigned to each of the ALG subjects by an ALG library. There are 24 broad subjects which are then sub-divided into approximately 250 subjects. Libraries interested in using a third layer of specific subjects to describe their collection should email with details.

The following resources may be useful to libraries interested in learning more about collection assessment:

6. Online services

The 'Online services' update form gathers information for users about your remote as well as local online facilities and services (if applicable). The URL for any of the following policy documents and/or services which may be available from your Library's Internet site may be included:

You can also use this form to indicate your Library's contribution to and/or involvement with other online directory services - the Register of Australian Archives and Manuscripts (RAAM), national Interlibrary Resource Sharing (ILRS) Directory, Directory of Z39.50 Targets in Australia, the National Bibliographic Database (NBD) (via the KiNETICA service - including the percentage of your holdings (maximum value of 100%) and/or number of bibliographic records on the NBD), or the Australian Bureau of Statistic (ABS) Library Extension Program.

Update Tip

7. Change password

For security, you may want to change your ALG password. Having found your Library's entry on the Gateway and reached the login screen:

  1. Enter your ALG password.
  2. Select the 'Change password' option from the drop-down list of update options and [Login].
  3. Follow the instructions on screen - you'll be asked to supply your new password twice. Submit the form to change your password.

Update Tip

You should receive the message "Your password has been changed". If this message does not appear, your changed password has probably not been recorded - try again and if you still have difficulties, report the problem to ALG Administration.

8. Z39.50 access

The Z39.50 access update form gathers details required to log in to your online catalogue. It is useful for library clients to be able to check the availability of collection items prior to visiting the library.

You may also give details of the hours of availability, and the Z39.50 services and attributes supported. This is optional, but useful.

When you have finished, submit the form.

Last modified: September 21 2004.