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2004 Press Releases

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press releases
WTO news
Supachai Panitchpakdi's speeches

Date Title
20.12.04 Denmark to donate a total of 1.85 million Swiss Francs to three WTO technical assistance funds
17.12.04 Germany donates 250,000 euros to WTO technical assistance
06.12.04 10th Anniversary — Academic Groups to host conferences commemorating establishment of WTO Appellate Body
30.11.04 The Netherlands pledges 900,000 euros for the Standards and Trade Development Facility
04.11.04 The Netherlands donates CHF 300,000 to WTO technical assistance
01.11.04 WTO Secretariat reports significant decline in new final anti-dumping measures
25.10.04 2004 trade growth to exceed 2003 despite higher oil prices
16.09.04 Impact of Domestic Policies on Trade the Focus of 2004 WTR
04.08.04 Supachai consults on possible emergency meeting for textiles and clothing adjustment challenges
19.07.04 Supachai calls on WTO Governments to reach agreement
12.07.04 Supachai Urges G-90 Ministers, All Ministers To Show Flexibility
07.07.04 Spain donates 192,000 euros to WTO technical assistance
11.06.04 Supachai calls for constructive outcome from UNCTAD meeting
11.06.04 Report detects shifts in services and agricultural trade patterns
04.06.04 Supachai commends negotiators, urges more progress
17.05.04 The United States pledges US$ 994,100 to WTO technical assistance
04.05.04 WTO Agreement extended to the 10 new member States of the European Union

Korea contributes US$ 200,000 to WTO technical assistance


WTO Secretariat reports significant decline in new anti-dumping investigations


Stronger than expected growth spurs modest trade recovery


Norway donates 10 million Norwegian Kroner to WTO technical assistance


WTO chairpersons for 2004

30.01.04 Luxembourg contributes 115,000 Swiss Francs to WTO WTO Technical Assistance

contact us : World Trade Organization, rue de Lausanne 154, CH-1211 Geneva 21, Switzerland