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  Monthly Outlook


What is the Monthly Outlook?

  • An outlook of the weather for the next month over the UK
  • A weather planning tool designed to help you plan for the impact of weather on your business

Monthly Outlook icon

How can I get the Monthly Outlook?
Please contact our Customer Centre for details of the price and how to order the Monthly Outlook.

Example of pages from the Monthly Outlook


  • Text overview from our expert forecasters
  • Minimum and maximum temperature, degree day, rainfall, and sunshine information for up to 10 regions of the UK
  • Proven skill and accuracy
  • Deliverable via e-mail

More about the Monthly Outlook features 



  • Take sound business decisions based on the best long-range information available from the Met Office
  • Increase profitability through improved demand forecasting
  • Maintain competitive advantage by optimising supply levels
  • Manage staff resources more effectively
  • Reduce costs through more effective scheduling of maintenance activities
  • Time promotions and public relations exercises

How is it produced?

As for the standard weather forecasts, computer models of the atmosphere lie at the heart of the Monthly Outlook forecasts.

More about how the Monthly Outlook is produced 



How accurate is it?

Regular tests of the Monthly Outlook show that it is more accurate than assuming the weather will

  • Be 'average' for this time of year
  • Continue as it is for the next month
  • Be like it was this time last year

More about Monthly Outlook accuracy


Related products
If you plan to do something that could be affected by the weather in the weeks ahead, why not check out our new four-week forecast for the UK - it's free!

The Met Office also makes forecasts out to six months ahead, known as seasonal forecasts. These are available for the whole globe and updated each month.
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