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View Larger Picture of Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

List price: $42.99
Our price: $49.99

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Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Platform: PlayStation2
  • Carl Johnson's mother has been murdered and family has fallen apart
  • Carl is framed for homicide by two corrupt cops
  • He must journey across San Andreas to take control of the streets
  • The next chapter in the legendary Grand Theft Auto series
  • Set in Los Santos, San Andreas, plagued by gang violence, corruption, and drugs
    Age: 17 years and up
    Rating: Mature
  • Average Customer Rating:

    The Greatest Game Series Ever

    With the new gta coming on a confirmed date of 10/19/04 millions of people are excited, and they should be. Information about the game has been released in a game informer magazine stating features of the game. In San Andreas you can rob houses and other buildings in 3 fully accesible cities that make up a entire state that can be explored in and out of buildings and the streets(every building will be accessible now), also you can hire 4 gang members to help you run your business, you can buy a casino and run robert de niro style, there are more cars and other new vehicles including bikes, there is also a more realistic stamina system in the game that makes you character fat if you dont excersise, and skinny if you dont eat(thats right you have to eat and excersise), the entire map in this game is going to be 4 to 6 times bigger then Vice City(not 10 to 16, whoever said that look someone wrote gullible on the ceiling), also in this game when you kill someone their body goes limp and and actual responds like a real dying person, all of this informations comes from the actual people who made the game so believe me, i dont know this for a fact but i would also expect hundreds of missions and new gameplay techniques such as more fighting and driving skills. So overall this game will definetly be the greatest game of all time and i would suggest you preorder now because when it comes out theres not gonna be one copy on the shelves.

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    Great, But the best?

    ok GTA3 and Vice City were both great! I loved them to death and i would play all the time. Now i hear GTA San Andreas is coming out but is it going to be the best? I figure it will. But i read reviews saying its not worth buying and wait until the next gta game which is Grand Theft Chariot: Ancient Rome. They say there is not much to do. On the other hand, many reviews say its great or is going to be great! Its still 5 months until its released so there will be rumors about it! The new things i heard u can do are u can ride bikes, there r big bears,swim, u r a blak gangsta, be in gangs and recruit members AND u can do 4 people drive-bys,u can actually talk to people on the streets .. plot robberies in houses,real strip clubs where girls get naked (im not excited), u get fat if u eat too much so there will be gyms to work out and better cars. Also, u can customize ur cars wit tinted windows rims and fire power. U also can fly planes! If u dont think you wunt this game, then dont get it. But i think it will be a mix of GTA 3 and VICE CITY plus a mix of its own. i love the gangsta pimp kinda look! This game will be great. AND EVERYoNe should go and buy it, if not ur missing out!

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    Best Game Ever

    Grand THeft Auto is the best Grand theft auto yet the environment is just so wonderful and the map is huge.<br /> If you liked any of the other grand theft autos you will love this one

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